Chapter Eighteen - Fiesty

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"Jet! No!" I shout, rushing down the stairs as quickly as I can.

Unfortunately, I step on one of Rosie's bones that she left on the staircase and find myself suddenly eating shit and rolling down the damn stairs, every step managing to somehow land directly on the edge of the our hardwood stairs. I'm 90% sure I bruised a damn rib and possibly a kidney. I curse loudly as I land in a pile on the ground at the bottom, scrambling to get to my feet and pull her off of him. She's already landed two hits. She will kill him. No doubt in my mind. Sure, I'll kill for her, but she'll kill for me too.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!" she rages, getting ready to throw another punch at an unsuspecting Deacon, holding him up by the fist full of his suit that she has.
"Whoa! Baby! No!" I plea, grabbing her around her torso and lifting her so she is flailing in the air.
"LET ME FUCKING HIT HIM! HE FUCKING DESERVES IT!" she screams, sounding desperate as she tries to break free from my grasp.
"Hart, you wanna control your wife?" Deacon asks through a groan, looking unimpressed.

Yeah, that's not gonna end well.

"CONTROL ME?!" she snaps.
Told you.
"CONTROL ME?!?!" Jet yells, her entire body shaking with rage, not at all phased by the fact that I have tightened my grip on her.
Here we go.

Somehow, she manages to get out of my arms and is halfway through tackling him to the ground by the time I notice. He hits the concrete of our patio with a loud thud as Jet straddles him, throwing her third punch across his jaw. He grunts in pain as her blow lands, splitting open his lip. Deacon tries to get her off of him but is unsuccessful.

"Jet!" I yell, grabbing her wrist before she can throw another punch.
"NO! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING DICK! FUCK YOU!" she screams at Deacon, getting in his face and shoving his chest as her frustrated tears start.
"Baby, hey, relax!" I urge, pulling her hands behind her back by her wrists and yanking her up onto her feet. "Relax!"
"You fucking cunt! You are ruining my marriage! Fuck you!" she shouts, her voice broken by the sobs that shake her chest. "I want my husband back!"
"Mon ange, I'm right here," I say in her ear, trying to soothe her as I drag her away from him.
"Give him back to me! Please! I can't keep fucking doing this!" she wails, sounding incredibly pained. She takes in a huge, trembling breath, "Please!"

Her knees go weak as she falls forward, collapsing in sobs. I support her weight in my arms, keeping her half-standing the best I can. I glance up to Deacon. He pushes himself up onto his feet, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth and looking pissed. She screams another sob, gripping my arms around her for dear life. I haven't seen her this upset since the miscarriage. What the hell is going on?

"Jet?" I mutter gently, shifting my grip from one of restraint to one of protection and comfort. "I'm right here, it's okay. I'm right here."
Her entire body is shaking violently as she sobs, "I can't do this anymore!"
"Do what, Jet?" I ask in a light voice, her weight sinking into my chest.
"I can't keep living apart from you. It's killing me. And I told myself I would never be this dependent on another person, but here I am. Dependent as fuck. A fucking wreck when you're not here," she cries, holding onto me as tight as she can.
"I know," is the only thing I can manage to mutter while pulling her up to a full standing position.

For her to even be able to admit that to not only herself but also me is a huge deal. The fact that she also admitted it in front of Deacon tells me just how badly she's struggling lately. Things are a lot worse than she's letting on.

"I hate to break this to you, Jet," Deacon starts, wiping more blood from his lip, "but sometimes in life, we have to do difficult things we don't want to do."
Jet and I both instantly still.
What the fuck did he just say to her?
"I'm sorry, what the fuck did you just say to me?" Jet asks in a cold and calculated voice.
Yep. She's gonna fucking kill him.
"I said that life isn't all rainbows and sunshine and cupcakes and roses," Deacon replies.
If anyone in this world understands that, it's Jet.
"You think that I don't fucking know that?" she spits, taking a step toward him.

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