Chapter Ten - Code

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"Do my eyes deceive me or is that really Jet Alice Hart?" Avi shouts across the ER.
I smile as I near him. "Tis I, in the flesh," I reply, curtsying.
"Ah shit, the goddess is back!" Theo announces excitedly, running over to me and wrapping me up in his arms.
I can't help but giggle when he picks me up in his arms and spins us around a few times. "Put me down, Theo! You know I don't like being picked up!" I demand.

He stops spinning and sets me back down on my feet, his arms loosening from around me. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I want his arms back around me. I'm so touch-starved lately that any affection I get from anyone makes my entire body hum. Long distance is not the best thing for someone who's top love language is physical touch. Or has abandonment issues. Or trust issues. Or- you know what, I'm just gonna stop while I'm ahead.

"Ugh, everything feels right again having you here," Theo sighs, smiling at me. "It's like the universe has been balanced again."
"Careful, Theo, you're starting to sound like you actually missed me," I tease, shoving him with my shoulder.
"I did miss you, I'm man enough to admit that," he jokes, shoving me back with his shoulder.
"I have to keep his ass in line now that you're gone. It's an exhausting job," Avi complains while approaching me and hugging me tightly.

I have to bite my lip to keep myself from squealing with happiness. Avi is the same height as Jackson, just less muscular and a tad bit older. So, when he hugs me, it feels sorta like Jackson. It kinda feels like home. I press my ear to his chest to listen to his heart which beats even and steady in time with his breathing. Avi tries to pull away but I keep him tight against me, needing this so much more than I thought I did. I hold back my tears as best as I can while the familiar pressure of a body his size pressed against mine consumes me.

"Hey... you okay?" Avi murmurs in my ear.
"Yeah... just... I needed this," I reply lowly, trying hard to keep my voice steady.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he wonders sincerely, quietly enough that only I can hear.
"Later," I answer, biting back the tears.
"Okay, sounds good. I'm holding you to that," he warns, chuckling.
"Fine by me," I tell him.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that Jet is giving out free hugs?!" a familiar voice exclaims.
I turn out of Avi to look in the direction of Evans' voice. My eyes settle on him and I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face. "Evans!" I shout excitedly, practically sprinting into his open arms.
He grunts as his body takes the impact of mine, his deep laugh vibrating his ribcage against mine. "Hi, kiddo!" He hums happily as he rests his chin on my shoulder, his stubble poking through my scrub top. "I've missed you, sweetie," he admits.
"I know, I've missed you," I murmur in response, quickly blinking away yet another round of tears.

We pull away from each other and just stare. He brushes some of my hair behind my ear as he smiles at me. He rests his hand on my cheek which I sink into affectionately.

"Jet, what's going on?" he asks me in a low voice, his hands resting on my arms. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing... I just..." I start, wiping the tear that escapes off of my cheek as quickly as I can, "It's just been rough lately."
"Jackson?" Evans questions.
I nod in response.
"Is he hurting you?" he presses, looking incredibly serious.
"No. Not physically and not intentionally," I answer. "He would never hit me or do anything intentionally to hurt me."
"But he is hurting you?" he wonders, his eyebrow raising.

I pause a second, not really sure how to answer his question. I am hurt but it's not like he's trying to hurt me... but he isn't doing anything to prevent it. Why does everything have to be so fucking complicated with Jackson?

"I... I don't know," I admit, my voice faltering.
"Sweetheart, I know you. I know when something's wrong. You look like you've been going through hell," Evans stresses, rubbing my shoulders with his hands. "Are you having trouble sleeping again?"
Jesus H. Christ, this mother fucker can read me like the top line of the eye chart. I can't keep shit from him.
"Can we please not talk about this right now?" I plea, looking around the people near us, some faces familiar, some not. It's crazy how quickly a place that was once home can fill with strangers and become unfamiliar.
"Avoiding talking about it doesn't make anything any better and you know this," Evans replies.
I let out a frustrated huff before aggressively wiping my eyes, "It's fine. I'm fine. I'm here to work, so I'm going to go do that now, is that okay with you, pops?" I raise my eyebrow and pop my hip out with my arms crossed against my chest. "That's what I fucking thought."

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