Chapter Twelve - Another Life

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"What the fuck did you just say?" Jet exclaims, her eyes widening.
"Let's adopt her," I repeat, sounding more sure this time.
"Jackson, slow down, pump the fucking breaks, there's things we need to discuss here," she says, shaking her head at me while adjusting the baby in her arms.
The sight of this makes my heart ache. She's going to be such a good mom.
"We want kids so bad and haven't had any luck so far, so why not foster to adopt?" I offer, feeling hopeful and light.
"Because you're living hours away and I can't raise a baby by myself," she snips, her eyes igniting in anger as the smile drops from my face.

Ouch. That hurt.

"What if I come back home?" I rush, desperate for a solution.
Jet starts laughing. She actually starts laughing.
I knit my eyebrows in confusion, not getting what's funny about that.
"Oh sure, you'll totally come home. Cause you're so good at keeping that promise," she laughs. "That's a really good joke."
"I'm being serious, Jet," I assure her.
"I couldn't ask you to do that!" she exclaims, shaking her head. "I mean, wouldn't Kelsey miss you? I can't take you from her! That would be unfair, taking you from your wife." Her eyes harden and turn incredibly cold. "Oh wait, no, I have it backward. Because, last time I checked, I'm your wife. But hey, if you want her, I don't blame you. She's hot."
"Jet, let me explain," I start.
She walks over to the incubator, puts the baby back inside of it, and buttons up the gown top she's in, "No, I'm good. Wouldn't want to make things complicated between you and Kelsey."
The baby adjusts to the incubator, cooing happily. Jet closes the side of it up while waving goodbye to the baby.
"Besides, this whole situation has made it very clear to me that you have no issues lying straight to my face, so why the fuck would I trust a single thing that comes out of your mouth?" she thunders, wiping a tear from her face.

I feel my jaw drop as I physically stumble backward a few steps. Connor and Riley were right, she is way more pissed than I thought she would be. She stares me down, daring me to reply with her eyebrow cocked and eyes narrowed. I have no idea what to say to her. How do you reply to that? What the fuck is happening?

"Yeah, that's what I fucking thought. Goodbye Jackson," she sneers, storming out of the room.
"Jet!" I whisper yell, hurrying after her.

By the time I enter the hallway, she's already almost out the damn doors. I curse under my breath, trying to gain ground while still walking. You don't run in hospitals. You just don't. I turn the corner once I'm out of the doors but find that Jet is nowhere to be found.

Well fuck. I have absolutely no idea where I am now. I grumble a curse under my breath yet again as I start walking toward the elevators I took with Evans earlier. Well, at least I think it's the elevators I took earlier. I just had to marry the most stubborn woman in the universe.

The map and floor guide inside the elevator is the furthest thing from helpful, which only causes me more frustration. Think, Jackson. Okay, so they have to be able to be accessible via the ground because ambulances bring them patients. So they have to be the ground floor, right? Yeah... yeah that makes sense to me. I hit the ground floor, pleased with myself and my critical thinking skills.

When the doors open, I realize that I am extremely lost. It must be written all over my face because the maintenance worker who stands outside the doors with his tool chest waiting to get on chuckles to himself. Lovely. I love it when fuckers laugh at me. Really makes me feel good.

"Lost?" he asks me, still snickering.
"Very," I admit, chuckling myself. "Is it that obvious?"
"Oohhh yeah," he laughs, shaking his head.
I take a step to the side so that he can get onto the elevator.
"Where are you going?" he wonders while pushing his tool chest on.
"ER," I reply, trying my best not to look like a pissed-off asshole.
"Ah, you're not that lost! You're only one floor off," he tells me, hitting two buttons on the control panel.
"I thought it would be on the ground floor because it's the ER," I explain, rubbing the back of my neck.
"It is, but they call it the 'Lobby' level," he explains.
"That's fucking stupid," I blurt before I think.
He laughs warmly as the doors close, "Yes, it is."

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