11 - Five more minutes!

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Becky and Freen exchanged incredulous glances, as if their four-year-old daughter had just uttered the wisdom of someone far beyond her years. The profound impact of Freen's return was evident not only in the joyous reunion but also in the subtle observations made by the little one, weaving an unspoken narrative of the emotional journey the family had traversed.

"So you think Mommy's smile is beautiful?" Freen asked, a playful twinkle in her eye.

"Yes, Dada, you always tell me that. And I agree with you!" Zea responded with the certainty only a child could possess.

Freen couldn't help but blush at her daughter's candid agreement, caught in the act of expressing her admiration.

Becky, witnessing the exchange, couldn't contain her amusement and let out a cheerful giggle, turning the moment into a lighthearted celebration of shared affections.

Freen, still blushing, decided to play along with a grin. "Well, I guess I have a point, don't I? Mommy's smile is indeed the most beautiful thing in the world."

Zea beamed, pleased with herself for participating in the banter. "See, Mommy? Dada agrees!"

Becky chuckled, her eyes reflecting the joy of the moment. "Alright, you two. Finish your dinner so we can all rest."

The family continued to share light-hearted conversations, enjoying the remaining moments of their reunion dinner. The clinking of utensils and the laughter filled the air, creating a soundtrack of happiness.

As they finished their meal, the sense of contentment lingered, wrapping around them like a warm blanket. With hearts full and smiles bright, they looked forward to the peaceful rest that awaited them after six long months of yearning for this moment.


Becky's POV

"Hey, babe, I just need to make a quick phone call," my wife said as we entered our room.

"Sure thing, love. I'll jump in the shower," I replied.

After finishing my shower and night routines, I found Freen in front of her laptop.

"Oh, you're done!" she exclaimed. "Sent!" With a satisfied smile, she closed her laptop. "Time for my turn in the shower. Can't risk my wife kicking me out of bed on our first night back together," she teased.

I chuckled at Freen's teasing, finding solace in the familiar rhythm of our playful banter.

As Freen disappeared into the bathroom, I couldn't help but appreciate the simple joys of being reunited and the lightness that had returned to our shared space.

After a few minutes, Freen emerged from the bathroom, her damp hair cascading in loose waves. The soft glow of the bedside lamp highlighted the happiness reflected in her eyes.

"You seem happy," I observed.

"I am happy, my love. I'm delighted to be home with you and Zea," she responded, her smile radiating warmth.

As she settled in, Freen whispered, "I missed this, missed us."

"I missed us too," I replied.

She nestled into my chest, and I could feel the gentle rise and fall of her breath. In the quiet of the night, our heartbeats seemed to sync, creating a melody of connection that spoke volumes without uttering a word. The warmth of her presence was a balm to the lingering ache of the time spent apart.

Under the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the curtains, we existed in a sanctuary woven from shared breaths and whispered promises. Freen's presence was a familiar echo, a melody that resonated with the essence of us.

The beginning of foreverKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat