94| Cheers To A New Beginning

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It had taken a lot for me actually to do this. I had a lot of time and nerves because I could feel the thud of my heart threatening to tear out of my ribcage.

It was unlike me to feel this nervous. The last time I felt that way, I'd been twenty years younger, so why was my palm sweaty?

Tina assisted in preparing the table, and we decorated it to the best of our ability. And now, it was almost dusk and the perfect time to bring her out here.

Just as I walked towards the kitchen, I heard Tina and Balia talking excitedly, and my chest was filled with so much warmth that spread around my body.

   When I got to the door, I leaned against the lintel, one arm folded over the other as I watched them both before deciding that I was giddy enough not to wait anymore.

   I cleared my throat, and she turned immediately, smiling as she walked towards me.

   "Hey, Darling."

   "Hi, there. You look different...good." She said right when she stopped before me. a

   "Know something else that looks good?"




   Candle lights beamed against the surface of champagne flutes and wine bottles—chrome plates filled with ice cubes and shredded roses trickling red liquid and turning the water red.

   The table was covered in red taffeta, giving the scene a romantic look, and the stars shone brightly in the skies.

    "Wow." Her soft voice came in a mutter as she walked towards the table. My fists clenched, and I waited for her to know if she was going to like this or not. "This is so beautiful."

    "I did my best."

    Then she turned to look at me. "You did this for me?"

    I nodded. "Yeah, I did it for you."

    Then she turned back to look at me, a small smile on her face. "You didn't have to. It's so beautiful. I--"

    I walked towards her and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her in as I pressed my nose into her skin. "Don't say anything else. I want you to have a seat so we can enjoy tonight. What do you say?"

    She nodded enthusiastically, stabbing me by the side as I pulled out a seat for her. She slipped in, and I leaned down to brush my lips against her hair, pausing for a split second to inhale when I caught the scent of vanilla. God, I was getting obsessed with her with every passing moment. I couldn't spend a day without checking in on her. I wanted to protect her at all costs, to make her happy, to give her whatever she wanted. And this was just the beginning.

    I started by pushing a box of candies towards her. She didn't know what it was until she opened it, and her eyes widened. She looked up at me.


    I chuckled. "I am right here."

    "You know how expensive these are, right?"

    I nodded. "Of course, I do know how expensive they are. And no, don't tell me how I shouldn't have gotten them for you. I want to. So enjoy the chocolate."

    "That's not what I was going to say," She smiled and looked down at the box, studying every flavour. "I wanted to say I've never gotten a box of chocolates."

    "I'll get them for you daily if you want."

    She shook her head immediately, and her expression darkened momentarily before it broke into a bright smile. "No. You don't have to. I appreciate this gesture. It feels like you're in my head because this is what I have been craving."

    Oh, yes. Tina had told me how pregnant women craved a lot of food. I had underestimated that and not taken it so much to heart, but right now, I understood.

    I leaned over to her and took her hand in mine. "Then tell me. I can get whatever you want. Or you can get them yourself if you don't want to ask me. I always reimburse your card with money every week."

    "The card." She lowered her eyes and picked a candy in her hand, turning it around her fingers like she was inspecting it. "Uhm, I don't usually make use of it."

    "I noticed," I smiled. "Why?"

    She shrugged. "There's too much money in there. I have never had such an amount in my bank, so seeing it there feels so overwhelming and all of that. It's always hard for me to put it to use."

   "It's yours, Balia. I will always send a weekly allowance to you. If you don't want to spend it, then who will? Just do this for our baby, then. What do you think?"

   She pushed a tendril of her hair behind her ear before nodding. "I'll do that then."

   I watched her pick the second chocolate from the box, and she gave it that scrutinising look before she looked up at me. "It's of different flavours, right?"


   "What flavour is this?"

   "Try it out."

   She nodded and pushed it into her mouth before she took a bite out of it and chewed for a moment. Then she went still. "Coconuts." Her eyes widened, and she laughed. "I love it! I think this is my best yet!"

   "Wait till you taste the others."

   She did so, picking the third one up and sinking her teeth again and by the time she was done, there were leftover chocolates in each compartment. She leaned back into her chair and patted her stomach. "I think my brain and my baby have had enough. I'll eat these later."

   "I am going to blame this on your pregnancy." She narrowed her eyes at me, and I raised my hand in surrender. "Nobody eats that way. It's very messy."

   She clutched the box to her chest and pouted her lips. "Leave it. It's mine, and I can do whatever I want with it."

   "Alright then," I let my fork drop to my plate. "Would you like to have a slice of cheesecake?"

   "You don't want me waking up peacefully tomorrow morning, I see," She pushed her seat back, and I hurried towards her, assisting her even when she tried to make me away. "Why do you all treat me like a fragile painting?"

    "Because you are," I nibbled softly on her ear lobe. "I don't want you stressing yourself. That's why I am here."

    "Oh, I can take care of myself. You've done enough already. You even asked Reinhard to drive me anywhere. I think I can do that on my own." She laughed and placed her first foot on the step leading to the house's back door.

    "Because I am not here to do all of that. I'll be free soon, and you'll be driven everywhere by me."

    She threw her head back and placed her hand on the wall. "I'm barely three months in, Senna. You shouldn't worry about this."

    "But I want to." I pulled her close again, pressing the tip of my nose into her neck. "There's a lot of things I want to do for you."

    "I want to hear." Her voice softened into a whisper as my lips grazed her skin.

    I lifted her off the floor and walked her back to the ground before placing her gently on the ground. She didn't complain; she just took my hand when I stretched it out for her before we began walking around the house.

    "I want to bathe you and clean you up when needed. I want to make meals for you and help with chores when Tina isn't around."

    "Sounds like a vacation because Tina is always around.

    I pinched the tip of her nose. "I don't regret putting our baby in you. You're so smart, so I am not worried about that. And hell, if she's a girl and looks like you, I don't think you'd be able to keep up."

    "What are you talking about?" She asked, glaring at me, even if she knew what I was talking about.

    "She's going to have Daddy wrapped around her fingers. Mummy won't even have the time for her."

    She laughed. "I think it's the other way round. When you need me, I'll be attending to our child. So rephrase that or start begging me rather."

    "Why don't you always give it a gender?" I asked and absentmindedly patted the side of my slacks to be sure the box remained intact.

    "Because we don't know yet. What if it's a boy?"

    "You want a boy, don't you?"

    She stopped and turned to me. "It's you I want, Senna. I don't care about gender. We can always have more."

    Now was the time. I was too nervous to stall because I wanted to get this over with, lift her in my arms and fuck her against the wall. "You want us to have more?"

    She nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

    "Then..." I pulled the box out and fell on one knee before snapping the box open. That was fluid as hell. "Marry me, will you?"

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