14| Broke As Hell

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Most dresses had price tags that would have sent her bailing out of the boutique when she stepped in with her four-figure account.

But Senna didn't seem bothered about it. He had made himself comfortable by sitting on one of the pristine white couches in the room and was back to looking at his phone.

The attendant was friendly to Balia, so she could freely say anything.

"Don't you think this is too expensive? Four hundred and fifty dollars for this dress that's as light as polystyrene?" Balia asked as she held up a black, thin, chiffon dress.

Jessica laughed. "I understand what you mean," Then she glanced back at Senna. "Your boyfriend seems more than able to take care of the bills. He wouldn't have brought you here if he didn't."

"He's not my boyfriend," Balia said immediately.

"Oh," Jessica said awkwardly. They were both silent for a while before Balia's eyes caught a burgundy dress on a hanger. She knew she wasn't supposed to get ahead of herself, but she couldn't ignore this dress. Even if it was the only thing she could leave with, she didn't mind.

She walked over to the hanger, Jessica tailing behind her and picked the dress. She lifted it into the air and turned to show it to Jessica. "This is the perfect dress. Don't you think so?"

Jessica nodded and smiled. "You've been picking decent dresses the whole time. Your taste must have improved within these few minutes. Let's check it out."

Balia and Jessica went into the changing room, and Jessica helped take her clothes off. She slipped into the dress, and Jessica assisted with wearing it properly.

It was a short dress, stopping above her knees, and had no straps—just a criss-cross pattern at her back to hold her breasts in place.

   "You look stunning in this," Jessica said with an exaggerated gasp. "This dress was made for you!"

Balia couldn't help but blush. Maybe shopping wasn't a bad idea because she looked amazing. This dress hugged her curves and accentuated her slender shape. One thing she loved was the beautiful contrast it had against her hair. It was perfect.

   "Do you want to go outside and show it to him?" Jessica asked. "I'm sure he'd love to see how it looks on you."

"Not at all," Balia replied. "I'll take it off. I want it."

"Six hundred and fifty," Jessica said with twinkling eyes, and when Balia tried to take the dress from her, she pulled her hand away.

"No fucking way would I let you not take this dress. Fuck the price. Do you know how beautiful it looks on you? I'm sure you don't. I am keeping it so you agree, or I will go out there and ask Mr. Senna if you should step out with this dress."

Balia sighed in defeat. "Fine. I'll take the dress."

Jessica smiled at her. She didn't want to go out so he could check her out. It would only make her feel more of his sex slave than she already was. Senna watching her change dresses? Never.

Senna didn't seem to care if she did or not because each time she went out to get new clothing, he only looked up once and went back to his phone. Once, she stepped out to realise that he was no longer seated on the couch. He was walking around the boutique and arguing intensely. Balia decided to ignore him and enjoy her shopping spree with Jessica.

"I think this is enough," Balia said once they had gotten enough clothing. "What do you think?"

Jessica shrugged. "You'd probably get more in the future. Plus, you mentioned wanting casual clothes like jeans and flannel shirts. More like you're having a wardrobe change."

"Yes. A wardrobe change."

"Alright then," Jessica replied with a smile. "We got you fifteen dresses and a few designer tops and bottoms. That would be enough."

As they stepped out of the cubicle, Balia started feeling slightly nervous. What if Senna got mad because she picked several clothes? He had every right to be mad, right? She was supposed to pick a little. Instead, she had picked over twenty clothes.
"Is that all?" Senna asked when Jessica listed out all they had gotten. "Shouldn't she get more?"

Jessica turned to look at Balia with wide eyes. Balia was also surprised. She turned back to Senna. "Maybe later in the future, according to her. She talked about a wardrobe change, and she also talked about not wanting to spend so much, so I guess she has a say."

Senna looked up at her. "And what's your say in this?"

Balia opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Jessica had put her in a fix she couldn't come out from. She scratched her head, and when he cocked his head to the side, she spoke. "Uhm, yeah. She's right. I want to get casual clothes. This is enough since I won't be going anywhere so much."

Senna stood to his feet and pierced her with a stern look. "And who said you wouldn't be going anywhere so much?"

Balia was confused. Wasn't he the one who talked about locking her up and her being restricted from moving about? Well, whatever. She wasn't planning on being here for long because she would escape soon.

They returned to the cashier's desk, and Jessica laid down the items before the lady, who smiled widely at Senna. One thing that amazed Balia about these women giving him their attention was that he didn't either notice or choose not to.

Yet, it didn't stop them from constantly making passes at him. By the time they were done, the amount was topping over four thousand dollars.

As they stepped out of the boutique into another designer shop, Balia thought about how that money could change her life if she had it on her account. She shuddered at the thought of it.

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