65| A Swim Away from Seduction

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Of all things to happen today, I hadn't expected it to be Senna coming out through the French doors, dressed in nothing but a pair of black shorts that showed off his powerful legs. I had just finished a lap and pulled out of the water when I saw him standing there.

I blinked, hoping he would disappear the next second, but he was still standing there and staring at me. "Senna..."

He tossed the towel hanging over his neck to the side and dove straight into the deep end of the water, taking me by surprise when he began to swim towards me with so much speed. He looked like a fish in the water, and I had to move aside for him to swim past, my mouth hanging open in awe.

When he dove his head out of the water, I cleared my throat and turned away, deciding to take another lap. This was to avoid getting into any awkward stare or conversation with him. After I had been told to mind my business in the politest manner ever, I decided that it was all I would do.

I thought I was going to swim and stop, but I felt him beside me, so I decided to continue, and soon, we were in sync, swimming several laps, moving from one end of the pool to the other, and it suddenly turned into a competition.

I gave out when I became tired and climbed out of the pool before sitting on the wet tiles to catch my breath. Senna pulled out of the water and raised his brows at me. "Why didn't you stop?"

   "Because I got tired," I replied.

   "That's lazy of you." He replied as he dove back into the water. He dove back out.

   "I am not an aquatic animal or a descendant of mermans, Senna. You don't expect me to last that long, except I have had a lot of practice, which you have."

   He wiped the water off his face and stared right at me. "And what makes you think that?"

   "You want me to state the obvious now?" I quirked a brow. "You want me to tell you that you've swam over twenty laps in the last ten minutes without breaking? While all I did was fight for my breath each time I finished a lap. Come on."

   Senna chuckled and swam towards me ever so slowly. He made himself float as he stared at me. "I don't practice swimming. I barely have the time for that."

   "So what do you do? Swim in your dreams?"

   He shrugged. "I hope I did. But I don't. I love to swim a lot, so every weekend, I am down by the pool, taking a swim."

   "It's not even the weekend."

   "It's my pool."

   I turned my face away from him and climbed to my feet, and when I turned, I caught him tearing his eyes away from my ass.

   "Where are you going?" He asked as he wrapped his fingers around the chrome railing before him.

   "I am done swimming, so I want to go back inside and grab lunch, maybe?"

   "Swim some more."

   Did he say that, or were my ears playing games with me? "You want me to come back into the pool?"

   He swam backward and spread out his arms."Of course, Balia. Come back in."

   Sighing, I nodded and padded my way back into the pool, taking the steps this time instead of diving straight in.

   I had just placed my left foot on the last step and was about to sink my feet into the water when I slipped forward.

   I was ready to bash my head against the tiles, probably with blood leaking everywhere, but strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back.

   Senna had saved me. I was flush against his arms, skin rubbing against his robust and wet chest. He gently lowered me into the water. "Are you okay?"

   I nodded, not even trying to look at him because I was blushing terribly. "Yes, I am. Thank you, Senna."

   "You scared me for a second there. You should be careful next time."

   "I know, I just slipped—" I stopped talking when he squeezed my hip. "I'll be careful next time.."

   "Good." He replied and pulled away from me, suddenly leaving me empty. "Let's swim."

   I watched him dive into the water with ease. Sighing, I did the same, holding my breath as I began to move through the water.

   He was way ahead of me, so I picked up speed, moving my body faster than ever and trying to reach him, but nothing worked. He won the first lap.

   "You cheat!" I cried as soon as I dove my head out of the water.

   He burst into laughter. He barely laughed. This occurrence was rarer than the blue moon appearing on a starry night. "I swam faster than you. How is that cheating?"

   I pouted, wiping the tiny drops of water that slipped down my face. "You started swimming before me. You should have waited and counted to three."


   "Fine," Be replied, raising his hands in surrender. "I'll count to three. But do we wager?"

   "Why?" I asked, warming up my body for the fastest swim of my life, even if it took losing my breath and bursting my lungs to win Senna.

   "If you win, I'll do anything you want me to do. Even if it means you are leaving. But if I win, I can choose what I want to do with your body."

   I was about to tell him that it was unfair. It was, but this favored me. If I could win, I could request to be released, and I would finally leave.

   Then I remembered Trey. Since Senna said I could ask for anything, maybe I could ask for his release. Besides, Luca was planning on breaking me out of here soon.

   I nodded enthusiastically. "Sure! It's game on."

   "Another bonus," He clicked his fingers before I dove into the water. "I'll wait till you take five strokes before I start to swim."

   That had me frowning. "I am going to win you, Senna."

   He shrugged. "Then, if it was meant to be that way, so be it."

   Something didn't feel right about this straightforward way to win. But I was going to use it anyway. He seemed in a good mood today, and I could latch onto it.

   We dove into the water simultaneously, and I began to swim, making sure my strokes were vast and working my legs quickly. At the fifth stroke, there was a slightly heavy current behind me. I didn't dare look back.

   I focused my eyes on the other edge of the pool, powerfully moving my legs and arms through the water, and just before I got to the other end of the pool, Senna had gotten there and was diving out of the pool.

   He won.


   "Aww, don't look at me like I stole your candy or something." He said and tried to pull my cheeks, but I moved away from him. "You're mad at me for winning even when you were unfair?"

   "I didn't make the rules," I huffed and began to step out of the water. "You did it because you knew you were going to win. You're used to this pool, so you're always mentally prepared for anything. I see that's why you won."

   Senna burst into laughter, nearly tumbling back into the water, and he tried to control his breathing. "You didn't just say that?"

   "Whatever. What will you have me do?"

   He didn't give me a reply. He just waded towards the railing and looked up at me. "I'll take five more laps. Go back inside and wait for me in my room. Don't get out of this dress."

   "What?" I asked, raising my brows in confusion. "You want us to have sex?"

   "More than that. Or would you like for us to do it here? I've always wanted to fuck by the pool, but I don't think it's something you fuck with."

   Oh, I did fuck with it. I'd imagined being fucked in several places before, so I wasn't surprised. I was surprised at the fact that of all things he could ask of me, it was sex.

   I wasn't disputing anyway. After that night, I wanted more. Even right now, I had lost every sense of dignity, totally forgotten how he had treated me like crap, and as I walked back into the mansion and towards his room, I reminded myself I was only doing this because he was a good fuck. Nothing else.

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