83| Matador

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Two days later, Senna was taken to his room. I sat by his bed, waiting and hoping for him to wake up. I was deeply worried and afraid. Trey told me Diablo had found a way to escape all of these and that he was going to strike at any time.

They were all getting ready for him to attack, but I didn't want a repeat of that. All of this happened because of my brother. Somehow, the secret we were left with warped into another to cause this great disaster. I couldn't stand it. None of us could.

I knew I had to do something. I was the cause of all of this. If I hadn't escaped with Luca, Senna wouldn't have gotten shot, and all of this bullshit wouldn't have happened. So it was up to me to finish this up.

I knew Diablo was going to call in the next few days, so I sat by Senna's phone, waiting for when he was finally going to call.

He did call later in the evening once I was done cleaning Senna's face. I rushed to his bed stand and picked it up, glancing at Senna, who was still asleep. I snuck out of the room and picked it up.

"You're still alive, I see." His heavy, gruff voice blasted into the phone, and once again, I was crippled with anxiety. With the haunting memories, he had implanted in me. I hated that he had been able to traumatise me in such a short period.

    "What do you want?"

    Silence. Then, a laugh. "You're the one in charge now, eh? Is Senna dead? I heard your one and only brother shot him. That boy, he wants to wipe out the entirety of Senna's generation."

    "What. Do. You. Want?" I asked through gritted teeth as anger engulfed my whole being. I wanted to end all of this. Though Senna hadn't told me what exactly his issue was with this man, I hated him already. He was a trickster. He had conned young Luca into doing a lot of nasty things at a young age, and he didn't stop until my brother died.

    I had spent the last two days contemplating grieving my brother's death or being happy about the fact that Senna survived. He deserved a second chance. He deserved to live, to heal like I wanted to right now, but he hadn't gotten that chance. He was dead and never to be remembered!

    I was going to kill him myself. It didn't matter if my life was going to be at stake.

    The call ended in my ears, and I looked down at it, scoffing before I hurried out of the room.

    Trey and Tina were in the living room, and as soon as they saw me, they both stood to their feet.

    "Diablo called."

    Trey's eyes widened, and he rushed towards me. "What did he say?"

    "He's not said anything yet. But I believe he's going to call again."

    "And what are you going to do?"

    "Kill him."

    They were quick to disagree. Trey shook his head and guided me towards the settee. "It's a rash decision borne out of your pent-up emotions. I know how hard it is for you right now. Senna made the same mistake, and he was nearly killed. You don't want to do this."

    I looked at him. "But I want to. You know, I am tired of this. I am not doing this for just Senna. I am doing it for my brother, who he deceived for most of his life. I am doing this for me! He put me through a lot, and I don't want a repeat of that. No more! He has done a lot of damage, and I might as well end it once and for all."

    Trey and Tina looked at each other. Trey sighed and turned to me. "I just need you to be careful. That's all. Senna wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to you."

    "Then we are going to plan this properly."

    Trey nodded. "Alright. That's fine. Let him call. When we hear him out, then we can conclude our next move."

    We went on about other duties. But I remained in one place, extremely worried about how things were unfurling. I was afraid. Deeply afraid of all that was happening. I was scared to die. I had a baby to live for, but if I didn't do this, I wasn't going to be myself.

    The next time he called, Trey and Tina were with me in Senna's room. I rushed to the phone and turned to them both. I was given the go-ahead, so I picked up the call.

    "Have you called to tell me what you want?" I asked, trying not to sound afraid, while in reality, I was shaking really hard. Tina held onto my hand and squeezed reassuringly.

    "I don't want anything. I want Senna dead. It's that simple. That should be clear already. All of this is to kill Senna!"

    I looked at Trey and bit my lip. He mouthed a few words of reassurance to me. I turned back to the phone and cleared my throat.

     "You shouldn't."

     "Then give me a reason why I shouldn't. I don't think anything would change my mind—"

     "I am pregnant."

     Silence followed, and this time, it was long and strained. I just hoped this was going to work. It was up to me to do all of these. To kill him and to return safely.

     "Pregnant? How does that relate to me wanting Senna dead?!"

     "Because it's your child." I gritted out, hating this lie so much. This child belonged to Senna and not him. Well, anything to make him end all of this.

     "That's not true."

     "Well, it is. So are you going to leave him? End all of this once and for all? You have a child, and that is all that matters. Or else you want it aborted."

     "Do not mention that again." He hissed. There was panic in his voice. I smiled. This was working. "Alright, fine. Meet me at the warehouse in the abandoned district. It's close to the shipyard. I was planning on escaping the country by sea... Is anyone there with you? If there is, I'll make sure I find you and kill you."

     "There is no one with me. Are you going to speak or not?"

     "I'll be waiting for you at the shipyard. Make sure you're discreet about it, and no one follows after you. We are going to elope together to Cuba, where we can start a new life. It is our only option. Make sure no one knows about this or follows you, or I will find Senna and kill him. I know he is badly hurt, and it would be easy to end him, so make sure you are smart about this."

     Before I could say anything else, the call ended in my ear. I sighed and placed the phone on the bed stand before glancing at Senna. He was still unconscious.

     "You're making a mistake, Balia." Trey sighed. "All of this is becoming more complicated and dangerous."

     "But easier. Diablo lost most of his men that night."

     "And what makes you think he doesn't have more? It's risky, Balia. Senna will kill me this time if anything happens to you."

     "He's right, Balia," Tina nodded. "We can't let you go. Senna will have us both killed. It's too risky for you. You have a baby. More reason why he's going to hurt us terribly!"

     I walked over to where they stood. "I know you both are worried. But Trey will be coming with me. You can lay an ambush like you did with Senna. As risky as this is, I am sure something good can come out of this. I know Senna will be infuriated when he wakes, but we must do this. We have to. On our own."

     "What's your plan then?"

     I sighed and took a seat on one of the Chippendale chairs. Tomorrow morning, I leave for the port. Trey and other men will follow and try to remain as discreet as possible while I try to get him distracted. It's not going to be easy, but we have to do this. An attack will be launched after all of his supporting security have been killed, and then I can kill him.

     "And how do you do that? You can't kill Diablo. He is very strong."

     "Then I will have to find his weakness."

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