72| Matter Arising

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I walked back into the house, feeling all sorts of emotions ranging from anger to panic to angst to the need to kill. I pushed the door into the main house open and walked straight to the minibar. A decanter of brandy sat on the wooden counter, and I picked it up and poured myself a generous amount before tossing a few ice cubes into the cup.

I took the first gulp, not caring if it sloshed to the sides as he drank. He placed it back on the counter with a thud and raked his fingers through his hair.

Picking up his phone, he called Placido, who immediately picked up.

"I sent you a photo on WhatsApp. Check it out and make sure you find them. Send out your men and call the other associates. Make sure the whole city is scoured. Call me with food news in twenty-four hours."

I ended the call and dropped my phone on the counter before grabbing my drink again. I paced around, hating that these memories were returning. I wouldn't say I liked that, and somehow, I was the reason for her parents' death when that was all they deserved.

I stopped in front of the large bay window and looked out into the fields as thoughts of how Balia had stared at me when she said those words to me.

I always knew she hated me, but today, it was something different. It was more profound than the hate and resentment I knew she held for me. It made my chest constrict like I was unable to breathe.

I sank into the chair nearest to me. I have not felt this disturbed in several years. I have not. I have not felt this pain since her death. Not at all.

Losing Balia felt like I was losing a part of me again. How had I ignored this for so long? How had I not seen that I cared about her more than I thought I did? How hadn't I seen that I was treating her that shitty because I was scared actually to feel anything for anyone again?

It was suddenly starting to make sense. I was starting to get clarity. The realization that I cared about her more than I cared about anyone hit me. It was a staggering realization. One I didn't even want to think about.

I lowered my head onto my hand and inhaled a deep breath. I had to find her. I had to. Maybe this feeling in my chest would die off if I did. I needed to find her at all costs.

Thinking of it now, I realized there was an uncanny resemblance that Jason had to Luca. How could I ever forget that face? The one looking through the fence and right at me with tears in his eyes. I couldn't bring myself to kill him because I had gotten the satisfaction of killing his parents. He was going to suffer for his father's sins alive.

I should have known he was going to return. I believed he was going to grow into a kid who lacked love. I believed he would grow into someone who fought to forget about the tragedy that befell his family.

But he wanted revenge, too. Hell, he had no idea what his father had done, and I didn't even blame him for that. It was okay for him to hate me for all I cared. But him leaving with Balia was something I wasn't going to take.

For the whole of today, I only made calls concerning her. I didn't even care about Diablo and his antics. All I wanted was to find her.

I couldn't do this on my own. I knew it. I needed Trey's help now more than ever.

He wasn't responsible for anything at all, and he had indeed been framed. I had asked for his release earlier this afternoon, and he went back to his family.

Hell, I couldn't even face my friend because I was ashamed. I was the wrong person to him for believing some stranger over him because I wanted to protect my empire. I had ignored family hood all because of this.

I wasn't sure I could face him even if I had called for his release. I had stayed inside my room as he was released, only watching him through my window as he walked out of the gates and got into his car.

And now, I sat on the porch, waiting for a call or a car to drive through the gates with good news. I was restless. I knew I wasn't going to sleep tonight.

It was the same thing that had happened with her. I barely slept, and I could only ever take pills to find sleep.

Deciding that I couldn't sit here and wait for shit to happen, I decided to see Trey. I owed him a huge apology, and I also needed his help.

I hoped he found somewhere in his heart to forgive me because I had offended him a lot.

I walked back into the house and grabbed my keys. Tina entered the living room, and as soon as she saw me, she turned away.

I frowned. Was she hiding something from me or avoiding me because I was in a bad mood? I knew it wasn't the latter. She was the only staff not afraid of me, so it had to be something.

But I was too bothered by other things to get her to spill.

I walked out of the house and went straight to my car. Sliding the key into the ignition module, I revved up the engine and hit the gas before zooming through the gates.

While driving, I checked my phone occasionally, not even caring if I was breaking traffic laws. All I wanted to do was find Balia, and I would do anything to bring her back to me.

I had a lot to tell her. A while fucking lot. I owed her enough explanation, and I didn't want to lose her just like that. She would hate me for the rest of my life without at least knowing the truth.

A few times, I nearly crashed into cars but quickly swerved out of the way, ignoring the loud honks and curses thrown my way. Hell, I didn't give a damn.

Soon, I was driving into Trey's estate. His home was closer to the entrance, and I was cruising to a halt in front of his gates and stepping out of the car.

I climbed out of the car and locked it with my remote before walking to his gate. It opened automatically, and I walked in, stopping at the porch to knock a few times.

The door opened, and Cleopatra stood there, smiling brightly at me. Trey must have hidden details of his whereabouts from her. If he had told her everything, she wouldn't be smiling at me now.

   "Senna!" She cried. "It's so nice to see you. I haven't seen you in months."

   I forced a smile and pulled her into a hug. "I am happy to see you, Cleo. How have you been?"

   She smiled, but it was a sad one that held so much information. I understood immediately, and once again, I felt like a shitty person for what I did to Trey. He was still taking in the news of his wife's cancer, and all I had done as a friend to support him was fucking hang him for being framed?

   "Good," She shrugged. "Surviving. Oh, come in."

   I nodded and followed her in, loving how cozy their apartment was. It was something I loved about Trey's home. It wasn't empty like mine. His kids, his loving wife, and him. Everything in here reminded me of a family that was taken away from me, and all I wanted to do was turn on my feet and fucking bail out of this place.

   But I did nothing like that. I just stood there until she asked me to take a seat.

   "Where's Trey?" I asked when I finally took a seat.

   "Oh, he's taking his bath. He returned home with injuries and all," She gave me a knowing look. "You both have not been out and about doing dangerous stuff, have you? You look unscathed, so I am guessing my stubborn ass husband got himself into that."

   My lips thinned, and I just nodded my head.

   "What would you like to have?" She asked. "I made dinner tonight. Pasta, just the way you like it. Made in Italy!"

   I laughed at the familiar statement. The first time I visited, she made a delicious dish and said the exact words with Trey.

   I was jealous. Envious, maybe. I was envious of a family I never got to have for long—a family I never enjoyed. I was happy for him, but I stopped coming here after that night. I loved his kids too much, and all they did was remind me of them both.

I smiled at her. "I'll just have water. I'm not staying for long anyway."

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