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Balia was pulled all the way out of Smith's room. She was still filled with shock, staring back toward his suit as Senna hurried her along the corridor. He stopped when he got to the end, and before him stood two men all dressed in suits. From the looks of it, they recognized Senna.

"He's in his suit. Make sure he's properly taken care of. Be smart about it."

The men nodded and began to hurry down the hallway. Senna sighed and leaned against the wall before slipping his fingers into his hair.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Balia?"

Balia looked down at her hand. She was trembling terribly. She couldn't get Smith's bloody face out of her head, and each time she remembered how much Senna had punched him, it made her whimper.

She looked at him, forcing a smile through her trembling jaws. "What is wrong with me? I should be asking you that!"

He leaned away from the wall, towering above her. "I fucking told you, didn't I? I told you only to seduce him. What the fuck? You were naked, weren't you?"

"You told me to have sex with him if it was possible!" She cried. "You threw me against him, Senna? So why the hell are you mad at me? Do you know how scared I was when I was in that room with him?"

"Glad to see that you don't lack perception," Senna muttered and slipped a cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it with a chrome lighter and inhaled before puffing out smoke.

Balia was confused. "What are you talking about? Perception? Do you know how you sound right now? Any innocent woman you throw onto a stranger will surely be afraid! And I was! It didn't feel right to me, and you don't care. All you want is for your selfish aims to be met!"

Senna was silent. He kept smoking before tossing it on the floor and smashing the end of the Cigarette with the butt of his shoe. He turned towards Balia. "If I hadn't come in right on time, you would have been dead meat."

Balia laughed. "What are you talking about? Dead meat? Isn't he your friend? Aren't you both planning on signing a contract?"

"There is nothing to sign, Balia," Senna replied and brushed back his hair. "We are rivals, and I had the opportunity to bring him down. That's how it works here."

"What? What are you talking about? How is there any of my business, and why am I in the middle of it?"

"I don't have to answer every one of your questions, Balia. Nothing I do concerns you."

"Well, it does!" She fired back and stepped right in front of him, blocking his path. "It does because I am fully involved in this tonight."

He scoffed. "So what do you feel like? My fucking girlfriend, who deserves an explanation?"

She went silent. Words failed her.

"Step out of the way. We need to leave before anyone suspects something. And don't worry, the cameras have been cleaned up. You're not going to be looked for by the feds."

She was boiling within her. She had a lot of questions to ask. Why had he done that? What exactly did he have with Smith? And why the hell had they acted so friendly around each other?

Was this how things worked? Kill your friends like they didn't matter in the first place?

Balia shuddered.

She followed him towards the elevator, waiting behind as he tapped the touch screen. Once the doors opened, he stepped in, and she followed behind him.

The descent held so much silence. Senna said nothing, and Balia fought with the thoughts flying around her head. There was no way she could have control over it or even find a simple answer. None at all.

Just when they reached the second floor, Senna curved his arm. "Latch onto me."

She stared at him till the elevator finally stopped and dinged. Just as it opened, she slipped her arms in, and they both walked out, Senna putting up a smile for the camera. Balia didn't care. Smile for what? When she wasn't happy?

She wasn't some celebrity who had to put up faux smiles and cheerful dispositions to make people believe they were happy.

She wasn't happy. She needed help. Tonight would have been her time to escape, but all of that had been futile when Senna came in when he shouldn't have. When exactly was she going to have another chance? Next month? In a year? Because she was sure that Senna wouldn't let her out of his sight again.

As they weaved through the crowd of partiers, Senna nodded and smiled at a few people, purposefully ignoring hosts and presenters, and soon, they were out of the hall, walking into the cold, glittery night.

The car they had come with drove towards them and stopped, and the driver stepped out immediately and bowed before Senna. "Sir."

   "You know what to do, right?" Senna asked as he dipped his hand into his pocket. "Drive her home and make sure you drive carefully. I'll return tomorrow morning."

   "Of course."

   Balia turned towards Senna with a frown. "Where are you going again?"

   "Like I said, it's none of your business. Now, get into the car. Don't make any funny moves."

   Of course, she was going to make a funny move, she thought as she watched him walk back into the party. All she needed was to think fast before they got to his mansion. If she could come up with a good enough idea, then maybe... Just maybe she'd be let off the hook.

   Smiling, she turned to the driver. "So, how long will this drive take?"

   He pulled the door open. "Not up to forty minutes."

   She nodded. "I'm really tired. I might sleep off or something."

   He nodded and shut the door as soon as she slipped in.

   Balia's brain went on overdrive. This driver was easy, and if she pressed the right buttons, she could escape tonight.

   Sighing, she closed her eyes and pretended to fall asleep as she thought about what to do.

   Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She sat up and looked around her to see that they were almost leaving the city. This was the only advantage she had. Downtown. If she could find a way to get out of this car, then that was going to be all.

   Immediately, she leaned against the driver's seat with a distressed look. "Can you pull over?"

   The driver glanced at her. "Why?"

   "I need to pee."

   "My boss wouldn't like that. He wants me to drive you back safely."

"And let my bladder burst? Do you think he's going to like that? I really need to pee. Just pull over at a store so I can quickly do that and come back out."

Sighing, the driver slowed down and cruised to a halt by the roadside. "Be fast about it, ma'am. Don't really want to incur my boss's anger."

Nodding, she pushed the car door open and slipped out before leaning down towards him. "Three minutes and I'll be back, I promise."

With those words, she turned on her heels, finding it slightly difficult to walk in them as she had done that for the whole of tonight. She was going to have to trade it for a pair of converses along the line.

Her eyes caught the neon sign above the large department store. All she needed to find was an exit, and she would be good.

She got to the cashier and smiled at him. "Please, can I get directions to the bathroom? I know I shouldn't be asking that, but I am really pressed, and I've been holding it in for over two hours. I don't want to embarrass myself."

The pot-bellied older man nodded and gestured toward the northern part of the store. She said a quick thank you before hurrying in the direction he had pointed out.

All she needed to find the back door was his direction. It was directly across the bathroom stalls. She caught an old lady sniffling something that looked like cocaine, but that was not her problem. All she wanted to do was solve hers by escaping Senna.

Her fingers curled around the handle of the door, and she twisted before pulling it open. It came with a loud, piercing shriek.

"Bitch, you can go about your business without disturbing my peace!" The old lady cried as she clipped her purse shut.

Balia gave her one last look before slipping out through the door into the cold night.

She shut the door behind her, breath heavy and uneven, heart pounding against her ribcage and threatening to tear through her thoracic region.

This was it. This was the fucking beginning. She checked her phone to see that the time was almost three in the morning. Damn. She had to be quick if she wanted to get somewhere. Her apartment was still very far away, but if she could sell something on her body, it would take her home and buy her a few takeouts.

She proceeded into the dark, her heavy heart getting lighter as she walked towards freedom.

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