27| Teases laced with Sadism

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Balia's POV

Senna was at the table, and a cup of steaming hot coffee sat beside him as he leafed through files. They probably contained information about the people he was to kill. I saw things like these in movies.

How was he able to do this with a straight face? Wasn't he supposed to feel sinful for all the evil acts he'd been committing? I guess bad people do evil to the fullest—immorality at its finest.

Tina had just set my food before me when Senna slapped the file on the table. He folded his fingers into one another and stared right at me.

"You were asleep when I came back last night," He began.

I picked up my spoon and scooped the soup into my mouth. What was he expecting? A reply? A reply, my ass.

"You heard what I said, didn't you?"

Sighing, I dropped the spoon on the space beside me and looked him in the eyes. He still had that cold glare on. "And what do you want my reply to be? Oh, yes, I was sleeping. There, you have it."

He lowered his head and picked up his fork. "I have been soft on you for the past few days. You're becoming the rude lady I met back at the club."

"Rude?!" I retorted. "You were expecting me to apologize to you? For what exactly? I didn't know you, for fuck's sake. Why were you expecting me to apologize to you?!"

"I made you apologize, didn't I?" Senna asked after chewing. He had a ghost of his smile on his face, and it greatly annoyed me. I wanted to reach over to him to wipe that smile off his face with a smile.

"Fuck you!" I screamed at the top of my voice. "People like you make the world a shitty place to live in!"

I had lost my appetite. Pushing my seat back, I stood and began walking out of the dining room. I was going to ask Tina to serve me my meals in my room from now on. Having breakfast with this man before me was like sitting in front of an inferno. He made me burn with rage and anger.

Just as I was about to slip through the alcove that led out of the dining room, strong fingers grasped my wrists and pulled me back to flush against a hard chest.

I whipped my head to see that it was Senna. He must have run after me to be able to catch me. Feeling repulsive, I pulled away from him.

"Let me go! You asshole!"

But he didn't. He kept staring at me as I thrashed against him, and with one movement, he had me pinned to the wall, his fingers wrapped tightly around my throat.

My eyes widened as I gasped for air. He had somehow cut my air supply. My hand caught his wrist in a quest to pull him off me. But he was as firm as a mull, unmoving as he pressed me into the wall.

"I don't like women who don't know how to speak politely, Balia," He hissed. "When I speak to you, you reply like a fucking polite woman. Get that?"

I wasn't going to agree to whatever he said. He was a self-centered asshole who derived satisfaction from making people cower at his presence, and I wasn't going to. Never!

His fingers tightened around my neck, and I felt like he would snap my windpipe.

I had to let pride go. I nodded frantically as tears rushed down my cheeks. His fingers finally loosened around me, and he pulled me in, grabbing my chin with the tip of his fingers and staring into my eyes.

"When I tell you to do something, do it. I hate doing this to you," He said softly.

"Why won't you let me go?" I sobbed, feeling his arms wound around my waist. "I have done nothing to you. Just let me go. Let me live my life. I don't like this place."

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