44| Breaking Point

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Balia was finally dressed up. She wasn't wearing something too formal. She just threw a pair of maroon cotton shorts and a white crop top that stopped above her navel.

Once she was done, she brushed her hair and applied a bit of gloss to give her lips a bright look before she slipped her feet into a pair of leather slippers and went downstairs.

As she approached the base of the steps, she heard voices coming from the dining room and paused to listen.

Senna's voice came first. He was talking in his usual casual tone. The next voice that came also sounded familiar. It belonged to a woman. The woman who had referred to her as a maid. She heaved a deep sigh and closed her eyes.

Was that why he wanted her downstairs? To humiliate her? To remind her that she was nothing but a piece of crap by making her sit before a woman who had condescendingly spoken about her?

Well, she wasn't going to let some woman talk down on her. She continued her way down and pushed the door to the dining room open, causing Senna and the lady to go quiet as they turned to look at her.

Senna immediately stood to his feet and pulled out a seat for Balia, but she brushed past him, pulling out a seat farther away from either of them.

Senna sighed and shook his head one before pushing the seat back to its position and slipping back into his.

Balia glanced at the lady to see that she was being stared at very intensely. Cocking her head to the side, she asked. "Is there something you want to tell me that makes you keep staring?"

The lady gently placed her phone on the table and laughed. "That you are extremely rude? Yes. That's what I want to tell you."

Balia laughed and shook her head. "For someone who spoke about me in a condescending tone, it's surprising that you can tell what's rude and what's not. But you feel you referring to me as a maid was right."

"Of course. You did look like one when you came in. Rumpled clothes and messy hair like all you did was clean toilets."

"I think you look like a woman who would fuck any man for some cash. I'm right, aren't I?"

"Enough!" Senna yelled, banging his fist on the table. Both women flinched, including Tina, who was coming in with their food.

Balia ignored them for the rest of the meal. As for Senna, he did try to listen to what Yvonne was talking about. Fashion and all. He wasn't really interested in what she had to say.

He had asked her to leave before dinner, but being the clingy pest she was, she adamantly refused and urged him to let her stay. And now, he couldn't speak to Balia because of her.

Balia focused on her meal, stabbing the turkey and potatoes with more force than usual.

Balia, on the other hand, couldn't stand this woman. She kept talking like she had a malfunction or the sort and didn't even stop when Senna coughed and grabbed a drink.

Once she was done with her meal, she gulped down water and wiped her mouth before pushing her seat back and standing on her feet.

"Balia, wait. Don't leave yet." Senna said just as she was about to walk through the door.

"I'm really tired. After all that happened yesterday, all I want to do is rest, so I don't think I can wait. Enjoy the rest of your meal."

Immediately, he pushed his seat back, ignoring Yvonne's questions as he followed her out of the dining room. "Balia!"

She stopped and twirled on her feet, turning towards him with a huff. "What is it?"

"We need to talk," He replied. "About yesterday."

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