66| More than Sexual Attractions.

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I had no idea what I was doing, but I wanted her, and that was it. After I'd seen her take off her robe and show off her utterly sexy bikini, I knew I couldn't just stand by my window and watch her swim. I wanted my hands on her body.

And now, I was in between her beautiful thighs, trying to stare into her eyes and not her body.

   "I do." She muttered under her breath, and her pupils dilated as her eyes raked down my body.

   Shit. This was going to put me in deep shit. I'd avoided her for a reason, but I was now finding it hard to control myself.

   Her fingers moved, sliding onto my arms as she tried to stabilize herself, and I dove out of the water and kissed the nape of her neck, her eyes fluttering close as she tilted her head to the side. She smelt of faint chlorine and vanilla and apples, too. My arm rounded her back and slipped up her back, sinking my fingers into her hair and pushing her face towards me.

   Her lips brushed mine in a feathery movement, and I caught her by the throat, staring into her eyes as they rolled to the back. Hell, she looked like she needed to be spanked.

   I dove out of the water again, this time, my body entirely out of the water. She slid back to give me space, and I thoroughly lodged myself between her thighs, her arms wrapping around my neck as she arched her hips towards me.

   We kissed passionately, tongues sliding against each other. She tasted sweet like she'd eaten cinnamon rolls and banana fritters. I'd had that for breakfast, too, but without her.

   "Senna," She whispered against my lips as her back lowered to the floor. Her eyes were open, but I could see the lust swimming in them.

   "Yes," I replied and planted a kiss on her collarbone. "What do you want?"

   "I don't know what I want," She whispered, staring into my eyes. "What do you want?"

   I dove back to kiss her. I couldn't answer that question because I also didn't know what I wanted. Telling her what I wanted was sex could ruin the mood now, and I didn't want that happening. It was going to mess with my mood for the whole day.

   I knew doing this was risky: coming back to her when I should be running in the other direction for the sake of my sanity. But this woman right here was driving me mad, and I'd lost all control after our drunken night together. It was like she'd cast a spell on me, one that had me coming to her at every moment in time, one that made it hard for me to stay away from her.

   I pushed her wet hair aside, catching her earlobe between my lips as I sucked softly. My teeth nipped on the flesh of her soft skin, and she jerked slightly before her hands began to move.

   They circled my torso, and her fingers rubbed my skin softly, daring to go close to the waistline of my beach shorts. She was making her wants known, and I couldn't even fault her for that. I wanted the same thing as her.

   "Careful where you touch, or you're going to make me take you right now."

   "Isn't that the purpose of all of this?" She asked as she slid her arms into my shorts. She flicked her finger, and I jolted, feeling the blood rush down there, causing my groin to tighten intensely. I couldn't even hide the evidence of my horniness from her. I wanted her terribly.


   "Take off my clothes. Why are you hesitating?" She asked, her voice soft and sensual.

   "Because I don't want to do this."

   That was what it took for the mood to turn sour. Her hand slipped out of my shorts, and she pulled away from me. "Yeah, it's fine. You don't want to do this, but you were the one who initiated everything."

   I blinked and nodded, accepting that it was my fault. "Yeah. I shouldn't have done that."

   She whipped her head to look at me. "Know what? You get to tease me wherever you like and have me whenever I am some toy you get to play with. But I want you to know something, Senna: I am not your puppet! I am not. So stop tossing me about like I am one!"

   Damn, she looked so hot when she was feisty, and I wanted to grab her, but that would be a terrible mistake. "You're mad that I didn't fuck you?"

   She turned red. She was angry, and I could tell. It wasn't embarrassing or anything. It was anger. Pushing to her feet, she grabbed her robe and slipped into it before stalking off.

   As soon as she left, I dove back into the water, taking a few more laps to calm my nerves before I slipped out of the pool and grabbed my towel.

   To me, this was the most outstanding achievement. I'd made a mental note after that night never to go close to her because she was drawing me in and bringing back memories I had locked up several years ago. She was making me think of her, and I didn't need a therapist to tell me that the thoughts and feelings were there because I was starting to feel something for Balia. Something more than sexual attraction. Something more than wanting her in my bed as my sex toy.

   Resisting her today was colossal progress, and even if I felt a bit terrible for teasing her and taking us that far, it was worth it.

   Tina came out of the kitchen as soon as I stepped into the house, and when she saw me, she changed directions and began to walk towards me.

   "You have something to tell me?" I asked as I wiped my hair with my towel.

   "Not really. Supplies are about to finish, and you didn't deposit the usual monthly allowances into the house's account, so I came to remind you."

   Shit. How had that gone past me? It was the third week of the month, and that payment should have been made on the first day.

   "Why didn't you tell me this?" I asked her as I walked over to where my phone sat on a glass basin. I picked it up and went on to make the transfer.

   Tina's eyes darted from one part of the room to the other. "I didn't know how to tell you. I figured you had a reason not to. Plus, you've been busy all month, and I didn't want to be a distraction."

   A distraction indeed. I scoffed. "I've made the deposit. Make sure supplies arrive first thing tomorrow morning."

   "Duly noted." She replied with a smile and turned to walk away.

   "How's she?"

   Tina stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to look at me. "She?"

   I closed my eyes and sighed. "Yes. Balia."

   "She's doing okay. Why do you ask?" She began to walk back to me slowly.

   "Nothing. I'm just concerned, that's all."

   "You sure?"

   "Quit this, Tina. That's the only reason I asked. I have a lot of things to do today. If you would excuse me."

   I turned and returned to my room, taking off my wet clothes and slipping into a fresh white slack and a black T-shirt. I was going for a casual meeting with Batista's underbosses as his burial was being prepared for.

   Sliding a silver necklace and a silver bracelet around my wrist, I spritzed on my favorite perfume before grabbing my phone and car keys.

   By the time I got to the living room, I found Balia seated on one of the couches with a book on her lap and her laptop on the arm of the chair. She seemed engrossed in what she was doing, and when I realized she was reading a book, a smile I didn't want to curl up my lips.

   She must have felt my presence behind her because she turned to look at me, only pausing for a moment before she turned back again. She slid her phone out of her pocket and plugged in her headphones, shutting me out.

   I wasn't planning on speaking anyway, so it didn't get me angry.

   I walked out of the house, feeling the intense burn of her gaze lingering on my back.

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