53| Stalker Much?

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Later at night, Senna returned home. I knew he was back from the familiar roar of his engine as he drove through the gates. I didn't feel that jolt of anxiety that always came back when he was around. All I could feel was a thrill. I was soon going to be out of here in no time.

I was sitting in the sunroom when I heard the sound of boots thudding against the marble floors. Standing to my feet, I went to hide behind the pillar, standing directly outside the sunroom.

Senna stopped, and one of the guards came to stand beside him. I stood there, listening.

"Where is he?" Senna asked.

"He's waiting in the drawing room. He has been there since he arrived."


   "Should I bring him to you?"

   "Don't worry. I'll go to him." Senna replied and patted the man on his arm before he began to climb the steps.

   I stood there and waited for the guard to leave before I crept out from behind the pillar and followed quietly after Senna.

   He made a U-turn towards the west wing, walking into the corridor and just as I walked into the corridor, I heard a door swing shut.

   The drawing room.

   My bare feet padded over the marble floor, and I stopped when I finally got to the door. It was locked, so I pushed my ear into the thick mahogany door, hoping to hear a thing or two. I didn't trust either of them. Maybe I was starting to trust my brother a bit, but I had to be sure. Hell, he could be planning something terrible with Senna.

   I heard muffled voices, and soon, Senna's voice became more audible.

   "Ready for the first test?" Senna asked.

   "Yes, I am," Luca replied.

   "You have an hour to get the fuck out of here and return. Is that clear? Do you need me to run things down for you again?"

   I heard the sound of a gun cocking. "Not at all. I am good."

   Footsteps began to close in on the door. My eyes widened in realization, and I hurried down the corridor, pushing a door open before I slipped in and shut it. My back hit the door, and I slid to the floor, holding my chest as I regulated my breathing. That was a close catch. Luca had warned me about making things suspicious, and I had just done that.

   I mentally reprimanded myself for nearly blowing things up and pushed back to my feet, waiting to hear if they were gone before I pulled the door open.

  Senna was standing there, both hands dug into his pocket as he looked at me in displeasure. "You were eavesdropping, weren't you?"

   I covered a hand over my mouth, muffling my scream of fear as I staggered back into the room. He walked in after me and shut the door behind him.

   "Uhm, I was," I said the truth. That was the only way I could get out of this mess I had just created. "I'm sorry."


   "Why what?"

   "Why have you been stalking me since today?"

   "What? N-no! I haven't been stalking you." I laughed. "I don't even give a fuck about you. So why should I follow after you, Senna?"

   "I don't know. You, tell me." He replied with a shrug. "Tell me why you have been stalking me, Balia."

   "Nothing at all. Things have just been strange, and I have been bored. After you asked Trey to take me out..." I sighed. "It's nothing. Everything I did was out of boredom."

   He stared at me scrutinizingly, cocking his head to the side. "You watched me from your room?"

   "You saw me?"

   "Yes, I did."

   It was my turn to look at him. "It seems like it has been you stalking me."

   "No. You were quite obvious this morning. I don't have to explain how the drapes over your body made it possible for me to see you, right?"

   Realization hit me. The drapes. Shit. "Fine. You caught me. It was coincidental. At least I didn't text you."

   "I did," He replied. "I did because I hadn't seen you in days. I was only being a good person."

   I scoffed. "Indeed. I don't believe you know how to be a good person."

   "It's not in my place to make you believe, Balia."

   He was infuriating. I couldn't stand him. How could he look so composed while annoying the shit out of me?

   "Well, I guess I am done here for tonight," I said as I pushed past him and made for the door. "Goodnight, and have a nice time testing your new whatever."

   I had just twisted the knob and was about to pull the door open when Senna pushed me against the door. I gasped as my cheek connected softly with the wood.

   "What are you doing, Senna?"

   His fingers crawled up my thighs, pushing my dress up as he grazed my skin. My body reacted instantly to his touch. I couldn't even struggle against him or pretend not to.

   "What do you think I am doing?" He whispered hotly against my ears as his arm circled my waist and pulled me back into his chest. His lips grazed the sensitive skin of my neck, close to my ears. "Answer me, Balia."

   "I don't know. Trying to force me again? It's what you've been doing since I met you."

   He pulled away abruptly, making me feel annoyingly empty. I turned to face him, and the look on his face was priceless.  He was angry. This was the first time I'd seen this look on him, and a smile crept into my face.

   "I've never seen you look this way." I chuckled.

   "Step away from the door, Balia." He said in a clipped voice, and I nodded, moving away from the door. I watched him pull the door open, and he stared at me for a long time before the door clicked shut.

   As soon as he left, I closed my eyes and sighed, leaning back against the door, trying to calm the storm Senna had riled up.

   How could he make me desire him with so much ease?

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