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No artist name or signature I'm afraid. If yk who the artist is please lmk so I can credit, thanks (:



I wake up the next morning and make myself some breakfast. I also make lunch as I will need something while I'm fishing.

It's a lovely summer's day, the sun shining and it's a nice temperature. I watch the fortune teller show to see what my fortune is today.

"IRIDIUM LUCK! YESS!!" I yell, startling Pepper awake.

"Sorry Pepper" I apologise,a and give him a pet on the head.

"I'm gonna be catching some fish today, so you'll have nice new fish to try tonight" I say smiling. Pepper meows a happy yet sleepy response and I then empty a tin of cat food in his bowl before checking on my crops. I have no need to water them, but I check to see if they are growing correctly. Especially the trellis crops.

I then head to the chicken coop and feed my chickens, letting them out once more for the day, and head inside to pet them and fill up the hay.

"My silo is also done, so I can store my own hay now" I say to myself in realisation.

I head out and go to my chests, looking through every last one to find my fishing rod and bait.

"Of course it had to be the last chest I look in" I mumble and then head into town.

I go towards the south of town to start fishing in the river and all of a sudden I hear cursing from a distance.

"For fuck sake. Why did I have to snooze my alarm. I'm going to be late."

I see Shane running this way and I shout "Hi Shane"

He gets closer and I see his jacket is half on, his shoes aren't on properly and he's struggling to zip up his trousers as he approaches.

"Y/n.. I'm kind of in a rush. What do you want?" He says, kind of annoyed.

"I just wanted to say hi. That's all." I say.

He sighs.

"Sorry. I'm going to be late. I'll talk later" he spits out and starts running again.

I brush it off and get to fishing. I put a piece of bait on my rod and cast it into the river. And then wait.

I sip on a Joja cola while I wait for the fish to catch

-time skip-

It's 3pm and I have plenty of river fish. Those pikes are a pain in my ass. Why are they so difficult.

I decide to head to the ocean and catch some fish there.

I fish for 2 hours before I hear a door close behind me.

"Ahoy Y/n" Willy says, sitting on the dock beside me.

"Hey Willy. How are you?" I ask.

"Business is getting slower and slower I'm afraid. Folk just don't see the use in fishing anymore" Willy says.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I sympathise.

"Well, there's nothin' I can do about it. Aye, I hope we'll get more attraction and business will be better again"

"That's the best you can do." I say.

"Hopefully yeh can get the Community centre up and runnin' again and we'll get more tourists in the area" Willy suggests.

"I'm getting there. It's kinda complicated to do" I say awkwardly, hoping he doesn't ask questions.

"Ah good good young'en" he says smiling.

We sit making small talk for a few more hours before it starts getting later and later, and it hits 10pm.

"Ah, nightfall. Good time ter catch some night fish ay. I'd best be off ter bed now. Good luck fishin' Y/n" he says and gets up to go back inside his hut.

I decide that I should get back too. I need to make sure the chicks are in their coop and also feed Pepper.

I make my way back up to the Community Centre first to deposit any fish I can in the fishing bundles before then making my way to the farm.

I get back and throw half of the fish I caught into the shipping bin and the rest can go in my fridge/freezer.

I leave one out and prepare it for Pepper, placing it in his bowl.

"A nice lovely pike for you Pepper, you best enjoy it, it was a pest to catch" I say as Pepper runs over to the bowl.

11pm. It's getting later and later.

I make my way down to the coop and check both chicks are in the coop. They both are and I close the hatch.

I sit with them for a bit, petting them as they settle down to go to sleep.

Their feathers have started growing more, and they're starting to gain colour. I notice that I have 1 white chicken and one brown one. It looks like at least.

I set them both down in their bed again and make my way back to my house, getting changed and climbing into bed, and rapidly falling asleep.


Shane: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤

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