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Was scrolling through Pinterest for an image to put here and found this. Idk who to give credit to so if yk please let me know and I'll credit them. Thanks (:

This chapter is to do with preparing for the flower dance. Please don't be offended at the outfits. I do give the option of a suit or dress just to make it flexible to you as a reader. I hope that's okay for y'all (:



The next festival was upon us. The flower dance. It's supposed to be an event where people go dance with their partners, however, I don't have one as of yet.

Nor did I have anyone to go with. Or an outfit. Or anything. I sigh, staring at the letter that Mayor Lewis sent reminding me that it was tomorrow.

I wonder if people go as friends.

And if they did. Would Shane even want to dance with me. He's the closest person in town to me. So it makes sense. But he might take it the wrong way, and go back to being ice cold to me.

I decide to take a stroll to Emily and Haley's place. I've been told that Emily makes the nicest clothes. Especially for the flower dance.

I knock on the door and Emily welcomes me in.

"Hi Y/n. Are you wanting a flower dance outfit?" She asks.

"Yeah. But I'm not sure what to go for. The dresses are nice and white. But the suits are baby blue. I'm not sure if I go traditional or mix it up a little." I state. Referring to maybe a white suit/baby blue dress (whatever your preference in masc/femme clothing)

"That makes sense. You want to shake it up a bit. Be an odd one out like me" she smiles.

"Yeah." I say.

"Am I okay to get your measurements?" She asks.

"Yeah. That's okay" I say and she starts taking measurements for my body.

"I'll make it a little bigger than some measurements so if you're still growing, you can still fit next year" she says with a smile.

I then reach into my backpack and grab some gold.

"Payment isn't necessary. It's your first dress/suit, so you don't need to pay me" she says with a smile. I thank her and she starts making my outfit.

There's a knock on the door and Emily stops sewing and answers the door.

"Oh hi Shane, your suit is over here." Emily says inviting Shane in.

"Y/n, I didn't expect you to be here? What's up?" He says.

"Just getring a suit/dress made for the flower dance. How about you?" I ask.

"I needed a new suit making. My...beer belly has grown" he sighs, looking down at himself.

"It's not too bad Shane. Don't worry about it" Emily says.

"Yeah.. easy for you to say." Shane grumbles.

"I think you look fine as you are. Bigger beer belly or not" I say confidently.

"Thanks Y/n. But sadly that's not gonna make it go away." He sighs.

"I'm sure it'll fade eventually. You just have to get over your beer problem first" Emily says.

Shane grumbles some more inaudible words and pays Emily for the suit.

"See you round" Shane says and leaves the house.

"He seems a lot happier around you than he does with me." Emily says.

"Yeah. We've gotten kinda close recently. I never expected him to warm up to me as he has. Yet he seems so cold with everyone else" I say.

"You seem to be the only person that's persistently spoken to him for so long that you finally broke through the stone barrier he's put up around himself. In a metaphorical way if course" Emily says, "Who knows, maybe you'll get even closer to him, and maybe you might even talk him out of his problems" she wiggles her eyebrows after this comment.

"Yeah. Possibly. I just hope it doesn't get too serious that he ends up seriously messes up and permanently in hospital or something" I say, a little upset.

"Seems like you genuinely care for him. Maybe you loooooove him" Emily coes.

"No no. Not quite love" I say looking down at my feet.

The sewing machine stops.

"Not quite? What do you mean by that?" She asks.

"I- Uhh... nothing" I quickly respond. Emily snickers and gets back to sewing.

"Okay. Whatever you say Y/n" Emily says, the smirk obvious in her tone.

-time skip-

She finishes the outfit and hands the suit/dress to me.

"One suit/dress that isn't traditional but doesn't stand out too much" Emily says with a smile.

"Thanks Emily. I appreciate it." I say smiling.

"And good luck asking Shane to the flower dance." Emily says.

I never said a word on the matter of asking Shane. But oh well.

I head back home and hang the dress up so it doesn't crease and then feed Pepper.

I make myself some food and decide to call it an early night. I have to get up in enough time to tend to the farm before the flower dance tomorrow.

And with Robin now finished my coop, I can head to Marnie's the day after tomorrow to buy a chicken.

Shane: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

Another chapter done and the flower dance is the next chapter. How do you think it will go with Shane? Find out in the next chapter...

-Bee (:

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