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Idk the artist. It was uploaded on Pinterest by someone but idk. Anyway enjoy the chapter.



"Pepper! What do I do?! It's a meal with Shane and his family!" I ramble.

"Mrrrow" Pepper meows sitting with me in my bed.

"I just feel like I should dress nice. But then it's just the saloon and I feel like it should be more casual, and I know them, and I just don't know what's up" I keep rambling on. I

Pepper nudges my side and climbs on my lap.

"Awww thank you Pepper. I appreciate it" I pet him. I keep rambling for a while, as I have a lot on my mind and I need to get it out because it's messing with me.

My door suddenly bursts open and Shane runs in.

"Y/n! My mum just said we're having a meal at the Saloon and I wasn't sure if you knew about it so..." he says all in one breath.

"Oh yeah. She told me about it first. I went down to order ducklings." I say to him as calm as I could.

"I've not been to the saloon since that incident... and I'm not 100% sure about this.." Shane says nervously.

He takes a seat beside me and starts petting Pepper.

"Comforting isn't it?" I chuckle.

"Yeah. Can we bring Pepper with us?" He asks.

"I wish!" I say.

Pepper looks up at us both and it seems that he wants to come with us.

"Awwww he wants to come" I say.

We both laugh and I lean onto Shane's shoulder. I look up at him and say "You know what, we'll be there together. I'll be there to comfort you, and you'll be there to help comfort me... or I hope you will" I chuckle.

"Of course, I'm your boyfriend after all" he says and then frowns a little, "I've never actually been a boyfriend before. I'm not sure what to do.."

"Well, as partner and boyfriend, we care for each other, help out one another, hopefully spend time together. And date nights, if that's okay with you" I smile.

"Yeah, we can do date nights" he says smiling.

I then get up and go to the bathroom to change into something cleaner and casual and then we make our way to the saloon.

"Y/n! Oh and you're with Shane!" She says with a hint of teasing in her voice.

"Yeah, I went to Y/n's because I wasn't sure they knew" Shane says a little awkwardly. I take hold of his hand in reassurance and he takes a moment to process it before holding my hand back. (Idk how this would be worded but basically you grab his hand and his hand is still open but then closes it around yours. Sorry for the interruption, continue)

We make our way to the table and take a seat. It was a table of 5 but I took no mind of it. Maybe someone was sat here before and the chair was left there, who knows.

We sit and talk for a while, Marnie orders us drinks. Me and Shane get a Joja Cola each, he doesn't want to drink, and I don't want him to not drink on his own. It's only fair.

I realise after about half an hour or so, we haven't actually ordered anything yet. I wonder what's up. I'm starting to get hungry and Shane is looking at me a little confused too. He's probably thinking the same thing.

"Sorry I'm late" a voice says.

Great... the good-for-nothing mayor. Of course she'd invite him... she's sleeping with him for Yoba's sake.

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