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Prepare for a long chapter. I kinda didn't expect it to be so long, but I wanted the whole chapter of being with Jas in 1. Idk why, but it got to 1000 words and I didn't think it would be too much longer... and then at 1970 words, it's an entire chapter of looking after Jas... enjoy lmao.



Me and Jas get onto my farm and I take her bag inside. She is super excited to be on the farm, and her smile is huge!!

"Y/n! What can we do first?!" She asks super excited.

I crouch down so we're face to face and say "Well first, I have to do some farm work. I need to water these plants, and look after my animals."

"Can I help?! Auntie Marnie lets me feeds the chickens sometimes while Uncke Shane is working" she says.

"Okay, we can do that first, and then I'll water the crops.

We make our way to the coop first and I grab some hay for Jas to feed a couple chickens.

"Here you are, I'll feed these two and you feed the other too." I say with a smile. Jas jumps up and down with joy before remembering she has to be slow and quiet so the chickens don't get scared.

We both sit on the straw covered floor and start feeding the chickens.

"Awww this one is so soft!!! You must be taking as much care of them as Marnie does with ours!! We did have one chicken that wasn't soft. But it was poorly and sadly it died..." Jas says, kinda unfazed by what she had just said. She feeds the chickens the hay and starts petting them, as I assume she would.

After a few minutes of petting the chickens, I hear a thud come from outside.

"What was that?" Jas asks.

"I'm not sure... you stay here, so you don't get hurt. I'll go see what it was" I say.

"Okay Y/n!" Jas says and I head outside. I walk around the coop and yell "Hello?!"


I start looking a bit more around and then Harvey comes out of nowhere.

"Oh, there you are!" Harvey says.

"Hello Harvey, how can I help?" I say.

"I... well uhhh... I came to give you some energy tonic... farming work must be tiring... so I thought..ummm... to give you some energy tonic to help out.." Harvey stammers. He's acting really weird.

"Well thanks Harvey, I'll be sure to use it if I need it." I say with a small smile.

"I'll be off... I have to clean the clinic" he says and turns to leave the farm, seemingly in a rush.

I head back into the coop for Jas and she's sat still playing with the chickens. With an egg in her lap.

"This one laid an egg for me!!" Jas says with a huge smile.

"Aww look at that!" I say, she gets up and says "Can we go see the cows and goats now?" She asks.

"Yeah, come on" we then make our way to the barn, opening the hatch to the coop so the chickens can stretch their legs.

We get inside the barn and I say "I'll feed the goats... my goats seem tired be a little feisty, and I don't want you to get hurt" I say, "And maybe I'll even let you milk the cows" I say to her.

"Aunt Marnie doesn't let me milk the cows at home. She says that I'm too young" Jas says.

"Well this is my farm, and Marnie doesn't have to know" I whisper to her, with my finger on my lips like how you would in primary school. She giggles and then she starts feeding my cows.

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