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I wake up and find that the snow has cleared up a little from the rather cold, snowy night before, and I head outside in my cozy thick clothes. I head to the animals and tend to them.

I need to go to the mines today. I have to finish off the last bundles of the furnace room in the community center, as well as hopefully get some stuff for other bundles, like aquamarine etc for the other bundles.

I decide to head up to the mountains and into Marlon's shop.

"Oh, Y/n. How can I be of service?" Marlon asks.

"I need an even stronger sword. This one won't help me against the monsters below floor 80" I say, handing him my old sword.

"How about... this one?" He asks and grabs out a grey-looking sword.

"It'a a Templar's Blade. It's stronger than your other one, and it hits harder too." He says.

"I'll buy it." I say. He charges me less than usual as I'm trading in my old sword and head down to floor 80.

I mine, and slay monsters, and the usual. Happy that this sword is significantly better than my old one.

I get down a good few floors, mining gold, getting other loot. And it's only 3pm.

"I'm making quick time here" I say to myself.

I work my way lower and lower until I get to floor 95. It's 9pm and I should probably head back. As much as I don't want to go into the cold after being in the nicely heated caves.

I climb up and out and make my way to the community center.

I head inside and finish the furnace room bundles and the crafts room bundle thanks to the forgeable I found in the ground.

2 rooms down. Let's go!

The Junimos pop up and tell me that they are Junimos, as I already know, and that they moved here as nature took over the building.

They then take me to their hut where they get 2 stars and place them in the plaque above the fireplace. They then start dancing around me, seeming happy that I have helped them out.

I then wave goodbye as I leave the community center and make my way back to my farm.

I walk in the door to find Shane cooking me dinner.

"Shane?!" I say happily. I run up to him and give him the biggest hug.

"Holy Yoba Y/n!! You're freezing!!!" He says in shock.

"Oh, yeah. Been outside" I say and go to my room to change.

"Where've you been then today? I thought you'd be home staying warm" he shouts from the kitchen.

"Mining. The lower caves are surprisingly warm." I say.

"You didn't get hurt did you?" He asks worried.

"A couple small hurts, but not much" I say, "Oh and I finished 2 bun- uh- rooms in the community center too, it's a third finished now!" I say happily.

"Nice! Congrats my love! This dinner is well deserved for you then" he says as I head back into the kitchen.

He's made some (favorite food) for dinner and we sit on the sofa and cuddle, watching a film while we eat.

After a while, I start falling asleep, cuddles in Shane's warm squishy, pillow arms. And the last thing I remember is the feeling of being lifted up.



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