
411 12 13

Art by DuckyDrawsArt

Ngl, I love the idea of Shane just wearing a chicken hoodie. Might use that kind of idea later in the story icl (;


A few days have passed since my last interaction with Shane, and I've met everyone in town at this point. Everyone is so nice. Besides Shane, and Haley. They're difficult to get to know... And Pam was a little iffy. But she didn't seem upset to see me I suppose. She probably just had a bad hangover, assuming she goes to the saloon daily, and with how rough she looks. Everyone else seems friendly enough though.

I go into the town center to get some more seeds with the money I have and Mayor Lewis comes up to me just as I'm about to go into Pierre's.

"Y/n! Just the person I was hoping to see!" He says.

"Oh, hi mayor. How can I help." I say.

"Well.... It's the community center..." he says, gesturing for me to follow him. We go a little north of town and I see a big building. It looks to have seen better days.

"You see. It's been run down for years and... uh.... I've never gotten round to building it up. With all my... mayor duties. And I was wondering if you could help me out." He says.

I don't know why he can't just ask Robin to do it and pay her for it... but oh well I guess.

"Yeah sure I uh-" I start but I get stopped as I see a small green.... Apple... run past.

"Everything okay Y/n?" Lewis asks, turning to face the direction I was looking in.

"Yeah... I just thought I saw something run across the floor..." I say.

"Probably rats... sorry." Lewis says.

A green... apple shaped rat... yeah sure. I'll believe that when pigs learn to fly.

"Anyway. Yeah. I can help fix it up. It may take a while though" I say

"Great!! Thanks Y/n!" Lewis says and starts to head out.

"Oh also, we're having a celebration for your arrival tonight at the saloon. Almost everyone will be there." Lewis says.

"Okay, I'll be there then" I say with a smile and then he leaves the building.

I decide to wander around, there are 5 rooms. A room that looks to have been a kitchen on the far left, a pantry I assume next to it. I have no idea what the room below the pantry is but it has a golden glistening thing in it. I pick it up... and I can't read it. It's a bunch of gibberish...

I look around a bit some more, finding a vault in one room and then a furnace in the far right room. It must have been a nice building.

I then make my way out and decide to go fishing. It's one of the least thought needing thing to do, so I can think about what I need to do to fix that place.

I go to the bridge at the river and fish there. I cast my fishing rod and start fishing while I think about what I need ti do for the community center.

"For Yoba's sake..." I hear a familiar voice mumble. It pulls me out of my thoughts and I turn to see the familiar, beer obsessed dark haired man. Known as Shane.

"Oh hey Shane.." I say.

"It's like you're fucking stalking me now... first you carry me home, then you talk to me at the saloon. What now... waiting outside work for me?!" He snaps.

"No... I'm just fishing you jerk. Now if you don't mind, I need to think about repair stuff I need to do" I say.

"Why?" He blurts out, "I should not have asked that. Don't answer.." he says, scowling.

"Lewis asked me to." I say.

"That scumbag..." he mumbles, "He couldn't just pay Robin to do it for him?" He asks.

"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT!" I yell at him. Not with malice of course.

"That guy is so cheap... and he's always at my aunts too... no clue why.." he says.

"Probably fucking around" I joke. He cracks a small smirk and it immediately disappears.

"I'm off. The beer is calling me" Shane says, making his way over the bridge.

"I'll come with you. I've been invited down by Lewis to come down. It's some celebration for me or something." I say.

I can literally hear Shane roll his eyes and we walk down to the saloon in almost silence.


Shane: ❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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