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I decide to start doing my farm work at 5am. I never got any sleep so why not just get up early.

I keep replaying the events of last night in my head. More specifically the kiss on the cheek. It was a short cheek kiss. But did that mean something? Does he like me like that? Should I say something?

My mind is all over the place.

I feed Pepper like usual and then decide I'm going to do a forage today. I need the forage for the community centre anyway so why not go ahead and go for it?

I put all my tools away after doing all my farming chores and then head up towards the mountains. My plan is taking the pathway north of my farm towards Robins, forage on the mountains, make my way to the beach and try get some shells and such to be able to sell, and then go to Cindersap forest.

I also want to make my way to Clint's while on my route if he's open then. I want my pickaxe to be improved. It's starting to struggle again. So I need it to be made of iron now.

I grab my iron bars from one of my many unorganised chests and my pickaxe and put them in my bag before heading up to start foraging.

I make my way towards the mountains, picking up a few spice berries on the way.

I get to the mountains and I start foraging. I then see Linus.

"Oh, hi Linus" I say, smiling.

"Hello Y/n. How's the farm life treating you?" He asks.

"It's going rather good. And how are you?" I respond.

"Not too bad. The only problem I have is trains coming and going now that the entrance to the station has opened up. It's loud on a night while I'm trying to sleep." He complains.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." I say.

"So what brings you to the mountains?" He asks me.

"Foraging. I need a few foraged items" I say, not wanting to elaborate.

"Please don't take them all. I'd like to make a fruit salad for dinner tonight." He says.

"I won't. I only need grapes and sweet peas" I say.

"Very well, I appreciate your kindness" he says. We then say our goodbyes and I start foraging around the mountains, not picking up too much forage.

I then make my way down towards town and just before I get to the community center I find a sweet pea.

"Perfect!" I say picking it up.

I make my way to the community center and into the room I need to go. I place the forage on the plaque and it wraps itself up and a Junimo comes to take it, leaving some seeds in their place.

"Summer forage seeds" it says on the packet. Nice, I can grow some more forage now!" I say to myself. I then head to Clint's place.

"Y/n. Hello" he says as I walk in.

"Hey Clint. I've come to get my pickaxe sorted. I'd like to upgrade it to iron please" I say to him.

"5000g please, and the 5 iron bars." He states.I hand him the money and thank him for doing this. We make a little small talk before then saying our goodbyes as I have to get back to foraging.

I leave the building and make my way down to the beach. I find a few clam shells, a rainbow shell, coral and a couple urchins. I stuff them all in my bag and decide to head to Cindersap forest.

I pass Marnie's house, and wonder if Shane's in so I can talk to him. However, I don't. It might not be a good time... and I don't know. How would he react if I asked him.

I sigh and keep walking on, picking up all the forage I can find. Which is a good amount. An extra 4 spice berries, 3 sweet peas, and 6 grapes. I did well today with a total of 7 spice berries, 7 grapes and the 3 sweet peas. As well as all the beach forage too.

I make my way back up to my farm and place all my findings in the shipping bin. I smile at myself and then decide to head inside and call it a night.



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