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Image by Azuneechan (sorry if that's misspelled. I can't read the artists name on the image properly 😅😅😅)



The egg festival. It's a festival about eggs and there's an egg hunt and egg based dishes.

Marnie must struggle making enough eggs to make all of that. Maybe I can help next year when I have chickens.

I get out of bed, 6am like usual, and grab my watering can. I water my crops and then put my watering can away.

I go back inside and fill Pepper's bowls, the new addition to my daily routine. He immediately comes running as he hears the packet of food being opened.

"I'm gonna be out for most of the day Pepper, so you be a good little kitty okay" I say.

"Meow" Pepper meows and I then tidy myself up and head into town.

"Y/n! You made it!" Lewis says as I enter the town square.

"Yep, indeed I did. How are you Mayor" I say with a smile.

"I'm not too bad. Tired out from setting up but it's worth it to see the townsfolk enjoying themselves" he says, "feel free to tuck into any food while you wait for festivities."

And so I do.

I grab one of the paper plates and start taking any and all egg foods that I can. Like egg fried rice, scotch eggs, egg sandwiches. Literally anything egg related (sorry if you don't like eggs. I don't like eggs either. But egg festival I guess)

After eating, I go to the stand that Pierre has there. He's selling a bunch of stuff. He has a plush bunny, strawberry seeds, some plants and a lawn flamingo.

"Hmmm... I'll take a plush bunny and 5 strawberry seeds." I say handing Pierre the money. It leaves me with 75g left over.

I was saving to get a coop. But I guess that will have to wait now.

I head back to where everyone is and start making small talk with a few people, when I come across Shane and Marnie.

"Hi Y/n, how's Pepper doing?" Marnie asks.

"He's doing good, he's settling in okay, and he seems to love it on the farm." I say, "And how's your chickens, I heard from Shane that they've been laying a lot of eggs recently.

"Yes, Shane's been taking care of them a lot, haven't you Shane?" Marnie asks.

Shane's sat at a table, drinking eggnog, most definitely with alcohol in it.

"Yep. They laid almost every egg you'll see here. Except a couple dozen for the egg hunt. They couldn't produce quite enough in time." Shane says, a little disappointed.

"Oh, I was wondering actually if I could-" but I get cut off by Mayor Lewis.

"Right folks! It's time for the annual Egg Festival Egg Hunt! Everyone who is wanting to take part please stand in a circle by me and we will start once I stare the rules" Mayor Lewis says.

"We can talk later" Marnie says, heading off to find Jas.

"You should join in. You'll have the chance to show Abigail that she's not always going to win the egg festival..." Shane says, "It might make Jas a little happier that she can beat Abigail if you do win"

"Yeah, I guess I will" I say with a smile. Shane nods and gets back to drinking his eggnog.

I gather with the others and a few people look at me a bit confused. Abigail on the other hand smirks.

Mayor Lewis explains the rules and then we get sent off.

I find egg after egg. Whoever hid these didn't do an amazing job. Although I guess it IS for the kids.

I see Jas and Vincent with only a few eggs in their basket and then see an egg in a nearby bush.

"Hey Jas, there's one over there" I say pointing to the egg.

"Thanks Y/n!" She says and her and Vincent run over to the egg, Vincent finding another one nearby.

I go collect more eggs and see Abigail who has spotted another one, but there's about another 10 seconds to spare.

I make a run for it.

I run as fast as my legs can carry me and manage to snatch the egg with mere milliseconds before Abigail can.

"Better luck next time" I say as Mayor Lewis calls us back over.

We all make our way over to the starting area again and Mayor Lewis counts our eggs.

"And the winner is.... Y/n! With 9 eggs!" Mayor Lewis yells. I cheer and I see Shane also subtly but not so subtly celebrating and the Mayor gives me the prize.

"Well done Y/n," he says.

"And that concludes today's festivities!"

I then head over to Vincent and Jas.

"Here, you 2 have this. You deserve it" I say, handing the prize to them.

"But we didn't win..." Vincent says.

"You both did really well. You got 6 eggs. Me and Abigail are adults. And I got 9. I probably wouldn't have even got 6 eggs at your age" I say to them.

I smile and they both look at me.

"Thank you Y/n" Jas says with a smile.

"No problem" I say smiling. She gives me a really short hug, and I can tell she's really happy about me giving them the prize, because she barely talks to me, let alone gives me a hug.

"Thanks Y/n. It means a lot to the both of us." Shane says, coming up to us.

"Anytime Shane, she deserves the prize more than me" I say smiling.

"I guess she does" Shane says, with a small smile back.

Everyone starts to head back home, and I decide to do the same. The egg festival was fun. I wonder if the other festivals held here will be just as fun.


Shane: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

(Yes you earned a whole ass heart for making Jas happy. It's how I'm writing the story. Shush)

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