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Found it on Pinterest, and thought of it as Shane punching Harvey. If it's not sorry. No credits known.

I also decided to upload this chapter like an hour after the last one bc I actually feel proud of how I wrote this one. And also because I have 2 or 3 chapters in drafts as it is already. So have this one.

Enjoy the chapter


Y/n POV:

Shane and I head outside and we sit at the side of the Saloon so Harvey won't follow us out. I really don't understand his issue.

We sit in silence before Shane starts sniffling. I look over and he looks as if he's going to break down into tears.

"Harvey had no right to say anything like that while we were out." I tell him.

He just nods.

I grab his hand and say "I understand it's hard. And that's okay. You're allowed to struggle. You're allowed to be upset, you're allowed to feel things. And I promise I'll be here with you no matter what." I tell him. Shane looks up at me and smiles a weak smile.

"Thanks Y/n... it means a lot" he says and gives me a hug.

I hold him tight. Not wanting to let go. Wanting to protect him from anyone and everyone that would ever think to hurt him. And it makes me want to beat the ever-living shit out of Harvey.

If all people, you'd think Harvey would understand, as a doctor, that breaking out of addiction and nasty habits is hard. And it shouldn't be brought up.

I rub Shane's back, trying all that I can to comfort him and then I make a suggestion "Do you want to head back to my farm, we can just sit and watch TV, cuddle Pepper, things like that?" Shane nods while his head is still buried in my shoulder and then let's go.

"I'll go tell Marnie that we're leaving early. You stay out here okay?" I tell him. He nods and I head inside.

Shane POV

While stood outside, waiting, I start to pace a bit. I do t understand why I deserved that, from Harvey of all people.

I guess he was just asking how it was going... but the bit after that... what was the reason.

As I was thinking that, Harvey comes out.

I sigh as he comes up to me and I say "What the fuck is your problem"

"My problem is that you stole Y/n from me! They're mine! We're soulmates! And we always have been! I need her to remember me and you're getting in the way!" He says.

"Y/n is not yours! They don't belong to anyone. Y/n is a person and they belong to themselves! And for the record! I'd protect Y/n from anyone or anything that even THINKS of coming to harm them! I would never lay a finger on them! I'm nothing like that!!" I snap at him.

"I'll win Y/n's heart! One way or another! And if it means getting you out of the picture, so be it" Harvey says.

"You know what, go fuck yourself Harvey! You don't deserve Y/n, soulmate or not! And you can try wipe me out of the picture! Go ahead! 3 weeks ago, I would have wiped myself out of the picture willingly! But now I'm actually starting to find happiness in myself, and if you were a decent doctor, and en even better person you'd fuck off and leave the 2 of us alone!" I shout at him. "So get fucked and learn to be a decent human being"

I scowl at him and he seems a little intimidated, and then says "You'll see. I will win Y/n's heart, and you'll be moping in a hole, wishing you'd never been born" and walks off.

I see Y/n come round the corner again and they see Harvey.

"Is everything okay?" They ask.

I just nod and say "Let's get to the farm."


I start to worry as we head home. I hope nothing too serious happened just then. I know I heard shouting, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

We walk back up to my farm, in the dark, hand in hand and then just sit on the porch.

"Hey, can we just stay out here. I wanna look at the stars, but sober." Shane says.

I smile and say "Sure, let me go get a blanket so we can stay warm." And head inside.

I come back out with the biggest fluffy blanket I own and wrap it around us. I leave the door open a crack so Pepper can come out if he wants to and we sit and look out at the stars.

"So, what did Harvey say?" I ask.

Shane stays quiet for a second before saying "It wasn't anything really. Just me saying that it wasn't right for him to say anything like that.. and I'd protect you from anything that would try and harm you. I'd never lay a finger on you in a negative way."

I smile and snuggle up closer to him, "That's so sweet of you, and I appreciate that you'd protect me! Thank you" I say.

He puts his arm around me and says "Yeah. Even if it meant I'd have to kill them. I'd happily do it if it were to keep you from harm."


Shane: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I planned for the big reveal of Harvey being the stalker to be a little later, but I felt like this worked. But yeah. So there you have it, Harvey is the stalker.

The idea of the whole "soulmate" thing was from the Harvey Yandere mod (idk the actual name) but I made it be in letters instead of him actually saying it because I thought it would be more interesting if yall didn't know it was him.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I hope you're enjoying the story so far!!


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