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Credit to Sallomatuy on Twitter and Tumblr for the art



We get to a lake in Cindersap Forest and Shane pulls out a couple beers from his Joja jacket pocket.

"Here." He says handing me the beer. He cracks his can open and starts drinking.

"You know. I've been struggling with depression for the last few years. It's been difficult." Shane says, "Working for Joja seems like it's not working for me, and the only release I have from all this is depression."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I say. Unsure of what to tell him.

"Hey Y/n. Do you ever feel like... no matter what you do, you're gonna always fail?" He asks.

I look over at him confused, as I crack open the beer he gave me.

"Never mind." He says.

"No no. Continue. Tell me anything you want to" I say, "That's what friends are for, right?" I say

"Friends?" He says, confused.

"Yeah. You're my friend Shane. You can tell me anything." I say.

"Thanks Y/n. The closest person I've had as a friend is probably Pam or Gus. But I still wouldn't exactly call them friends." He sighs, but has a small smile, which fades rather quickly.

I start chugging on the beer.

"Woah... Y/n calm down!" He says chuckling.

I bring down the almost empty can and look at him.

"You really are a person after my own heart aren't you" he says.

"I... umm" I start. I have no idea what he meant by that.

"Scratch that." He says, his face red. Probably form the alcohol.

"You shouldn't drink too heavily. You have a bright future ahead of you. You don't have a dead end job, and anything can happen on a farm. All I do is stock shelves and drink every day. It sucks." He says.

"Hey, I used to be a Joja worker too you know. I know how it feels. You'll get out of there someday. You just have to wait, and hope"

Shane scoffs "Hope. I have none of that left." he sighs.

We sit there in silence as we both finish the beers.

"Hey, it's nearly 2am. You should probably head back." Shane suggests.

"Yeah. Probably" I say, "But I'm always free for you to come talk to me about any problems you may have okay?" I say smiling.

"Thanks. It means a lot" Shane says. We walk back towards Marnie's in a comfortable silence. Once we get there, I thank him for the beer, and he thanks me once again for being someone to talk to and then I head back up through town back to my house, and climb into bed, Pepper joining me, as lay awake thinking about what Shane said earlier that night.

More specifically the words "You really are a person after my own heart aren't you"

After his own heart...

Was he joking. Or was that for real.

I think I have a crush on Shane...


Sorry for the short chapter... I hope it was alright. And apologies it's been so long. I've had deadlines for uni work.


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