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I wake up the next morning to Shane holding me in the tightest hug while fast asleep.

"Shane.. Shane" I say.

"Mmmm what do you want? I'm trying to sleep" he groans.

"I need to get up, I have e farm work to do" I say to him.

"Just 5 more minutes" he grumbles.

"Okay. 5 more minutes, and then I have to go do farm stuff.

*Many many '5 more minutes' later*

"Shane!! I really need to get up! It's almost 10am!"

He mumbles something inaudibly and then says "okay... I'll let you get up"

I get up and get my clothes to dress in the bathroom.

I get changed and then head out to look after my crops. Some of them are ready to harvest and eat a bunch of grapes. Yes I just lost out on money. But oh well.

I look after my animals, milking my cows and putting the milk in the cheese press to make into cheese, and get the eggs from the chickens and ducks, and make them into mayonnaise.

After doing that, I quickly write a note to Shane saying that I'll be in the mines for the day, if I'm not back by 1am to come find me.

I spend a lot of the day in the mines when I go in, and tho I'd save mining for a rainy day, I really need more materials.

I also want to progress further in, as I have 1 more cash bundle, and then the bus gets fixed? No idea how that works, but I guess it's some Junimo magic stuff that will do it. I heard from Emily there's a cave in there but it needs some sort of key that nobody has seemed to find.

The only place I'm aware of that literally no one has explored is the bottom of the mines. So it's probably there.

I make my way down the floors, passing the frozen floors with ease.

I get to floor 80 and it's so warm.

I roll up my sleeves to try and cool down a bit but I'm still super sweaty. And my feet are burning up from the floor.

I open the chest and find some new boots. Firewalker boots. Basically you can walk on walk rocks and stuff and not feel the heat on your feet.

I sit on the chest and put them on, putting my tundra boots in my bag. Those might do for winter.

I head down the ladder and see a bunch of monsters.

"Ooohhh boy..." I mutter as I pull out my sword to attack. I make my way cautiously forwards, but as I get a bit too close to back away, I see there's a magic using creature, and realise this is where I get my ass handed to me after watching it be torn off... slowly and painfully.

Shane POV

It's now 10pm. I know Y/n said not to go looking for them until 1am, but I'm worrying.

What if they've been hurt for a while.

What if they're nearly dead...

What if...

I start overthinking loads.

Far too much.

I remember Sam had told me at work that his friend Sebastian had been in the caves a few times. Maybe he can help. I reckon he hates my guts or whatever, for no reason, but I know him and Y/n get along. They aren't close but they're close enough to say hi when passing and whatever.

I leave the house and go looking in chests for one of Y/n's old swords. I have no clue how to use it, but it can't be different than the video games I play right?

I find one and it's heavier than I expect.

"Holy shit!" I say in shock as I pick it up.

I then head up to Robin's and go see if Sebastian is in.

*time skip*

"Sure... yeah whatever. I was looking for a reason to go in the caves anyway. Don't get yourself hurt. I won't be taking you to the hospital." Sebastian says agreeing kind of reluctantly. He really does hate my guts.

I thank him and we go through the caves in silence. With a bit of cursing from me as I try and fail to use a sword many times. And seeing the weird creatures I never knew existed.

We get down to probably around 83 or something. I don't know, I was barely counting, and I see Y/n collapsed on the floor. Whatever hurt them must have dispersed, as there were so many around that floor. I feel for a pulse and I'm so relieved that there is one. It's a little faint, but it's there.

"You grab Y/n.. I'll have your back" Sebastian says, grabbing his sword once more to fight the enemies.

I get Y/n up to the top of the cave, Sebastian following behind, and I lay them on the floor.

"Thanks for the help Sebastian" I say.

"Okay" he says and leaves the cave.

Y/n starts to move a bit in my arms. A small groan leaves their mouth and then their eyes open.

"Shane? What... what time is it?" They ask, speech slightly slurred from just waking up

"No clue. Probably 1am or so." I say with a smile, happy they're awake.

"Oh..." they say.

"What happened down there?" I ask, a little concerned.

"There was a... masked magic guy thing... and he shot me with some spell... I got weak and I remember nothing after that" they mumble, with their sentences a bit broken up.

"Let's get you home and in bed, my love" I say, and carry her back, and into bed, nice and safe at last.



A little backstory on Sebastian here.

Basically Shane was drunk and went over to talk shit about Morris to Sam because Morris is a bitch etc. Sebastian was just wanting a game of pool and basically they had a sort of fight. Shane doesn't remember any of it, but Sebastian holds that grudge. Hence the hatred. And also Y/n and Sebastian are also only acquaintances in this story, probably around 3-4 hearts. They talk to each other while Y/n is asking Robin to build something, and just got along. Hope that clears any confusion if any comes up (:

Anyway have a nice day/night.

-Bee 💛

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