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I wake up the next morning to a knock on the door. I get myself looking half decent and open it.

"Hi Y/n!" It's Marnie.

"I found this kitten sat to the bottom entrance to the farm and it's been lingering around there for a few days." Marnie says.

"Mrow" the kitten meows, coming up to me.

"It seems to like you" she adds, "would you like to keep it. I can't seem to find a collar and the vets said there's no tag in it. It must have been left here" She suggests, "It answers to the name Pepper"

"Yeah, I'll take it in." I say with a smile and she thanks me.

"Oh, and I hope to see you at the egg festival tomorrow. My chickens are laying the eggs for the egg hunt." Marnie adds.

"Thanks Marnie, I'll try be there" I say with a smile.

We say our goodbyes and I'm left with a ginger kitten at my doorstep. The kitten that is now going crazy over my shoelace.

"Cmon! Let's get you inside little Pepper" I say and pick the kitten up and take it inside.

I grab a fish out of the fridge and hold it by the tail, at arms length.

"Here, have this for now. I'll have to get you a little place sorted to sleep, and go buy food and such." I say placing the fish down on the floor.

Pepper goes for the fish and starts eating it. He seems to be enjoying the sardine I caught.

I then get myself properly dressed and as I'm readying to leave the house, the kitten abandons it's meal and comes to my side.

"You want to come with? Okay, you might not be allowed in shops and stuff though" I say and I bring the kitten with me as I head up to Robin's place.

I grab some forage and place it in my bag along the way and then head into Robin's shop.

"Hey Robin, is it okay if I bring Pepper in." I ask.

"Sure, I don't see a problem" she says smiling. I pick up the kitten and bring him in and Robin is in awe.

"Maru! Sweetie! Come look at Y/n's new kitten!" She yells back to the lab.

"Coming!" Maru says excitedly.

"Awww he's adorable! What's his name" she asks.

"Marnie said he answers to Pepper" I say.

"That's sweet!" She says petting the kitten.

"Anyway Robin, I'm here to get some stuff for the kitten. A food bowl, bed and water bowl. If that's okay" I say.

"Yeah sure. You know what, I'll build a small outdoor area for you by your house. It'll only take about half an hour. You can put some water there so Pepper isn't cooped up in the house in the summer. If you don't mind. Free of charge of course."

"Aw thank you Robin! I really appreciate it!" I say with a smile, "and do you have a rug I could purchase for the kitten, so he can be cosy by the fire" I ask.

"Of course. Here, I'll give you it half price." She says with a smile.

"Thank you" I say.

I give Robin the gold that she needs and then put the things away in my bag.

"I need to go buy some food from Pierre's. I'll see you around Robin" I say, "And thank you so much" I say with a smile.

"No problem Y/n! It's been nice to see you, and I hope you and Pepper enjoy yourselves" she says and I head out of the door.

I place Pepper back on the ground again and we head down towards Pierre's.

I see the community centre and decide to head inside. Curious as to what the tablet actually asks.

"Cmon Pepper. Be a good boy and stay by me okay?" I say. Pepper meows and we both head inside.

I go to the room that the tablet was in and now it's got bundles on it.

"Leeks, wolf horseradish, daffodils and dandelions" I say to myself.

"Best go foraging next week then" I say. We then head out and down to Pierre's.

We head in and I say "Hey Pierre, is it okay for Pepper to come in, I don't want to leave him outside, I'll make sure he behaves well and-"

"It's okay, as long as he behaves" Pierre says cutting me off.

I then go to animal food and see Shane.

"Oh Hi Shane, what brings you to Pierre's." I say.

"I'm buying chicken food for Marnie. Pierre's has better quality food than Joja could ever have" Shane says, "oh is that the kitten Marnie found?"

"Yeah, she said he was called Pepper." I say. Shane smiles.

"That's a good name." He says.

"Thanks, I guess." I say.

"The cat food that Pepper likes is this one" he says pulling out a fish flavour cat food.

"Oh thanks Shane" I say with a smile.

"No problem Y/n." Shane says. I grab a few packets and say "I'd best get back. I forgot to water my crops this morning" and I head back to my farm to go water my crops.

After paying of course.

So I get back and feed Pepper. Taking everything out of my bag and into the house, and then I head out to my crops and start tending to them, like I should have done this morning. I guess I forgot from the excitement of having a new kitten.

After tending to my crops, I sell what I produced, and then decide to head inside and play with Pepper, before deciding to snuggle up in bed and falling asleep.


Shane: ❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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