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Art by JunkPVP (not sure what platform sorry)



I wake up the next morning and feel bad for what I did. I just ran away from Shane.

I hope he's okay. And that he wouldn't be too upset.

I tend to my farm and do my usual morning things before deciding to head down to Marnie's. I need chickens from her. I should also apologise to Shane. It wasn't right for me to run away.

I get my usual morning tasks done and then make my way down to Marnie's.

I get there and Marnie is stood at the microwave. I clear my throat, and she doesn't hear me.

I clear my throat again.

And again.

I sigh and make my way over to her and then say "Marnie, are you busy?" I ask.

"Oh! Y/n! Sorry I didn't see you come in." She says smiling, "I have a problem. It's Shane..." she says disappointedly.

"Shane? What's up?" I ask.

"He's not woken up. And he's on the floor surrounded in beer cans. He won't wake up. I was hoping you'd do something" She says. She leads me into his room and it's a complete mess. Muddy footprints, beer cans, underwear. Whatever mess you can think, it will be there I can probably guarantee.

I see him on the floor, completely passed out.

"Are you able to do anything? Literally anything to get him to wake up" Marnie says.

I luckily have experience of waking drunk people. Roommates...

I get my watering can and poor it over him. Cold water gets people up. It's the shock.

I pour it over him and he shoots up in panic. I hear him mutter something under his breath and then he looks over.

"Oh... Y/n.." he says, a bit upset.

Shit. Was this all my fault for running off? He looks really upset with me.

"Shane. Honestly. All you do is mope around and drink beer. This isn't any good. Especially being Jas' guardian." Marnie mentions.

"Well. I don't plan to be around long. Maybe you all can benefit from my loss" he says. We both hear crying and I don't think anyone noticed Jas walking in.

"Now look." Marnie says and runs off after Jas. Shane, however, looks more upset.

"I'm sorry Y/n. It's just... after yesterday, I thought I pushed it too far and ruined our friendship. And you're my everything. You're my only proper friend and I thought I'd screwed up when you wouldn't turn back. And I thought..." he trails off and I go sit with him on his bed.

"Shane. I promise it's okay. You didn't ruin anything. I wasn't sure how to feel if I'm honest." I start. He looks over to me and his face showed a very confused expression.

"Again. I'm sorry." He says.

"It's okay. As long as you're alive, it's fine." I say with a smile.

He nods.

"And you should stay alive. If not for yourself, then for Jas. She needs you Shane." I say.

"I suppose. I am her legal guardian after all" he sighs.

I wonder how he got to be Jas' legal guardian. But one step at a time for now.

He gets up on his feet and sighs.

"I'd best get this cleared up." He says, "And I'm so sorry you had to see me in this state." He says.

"It's okay Shane, don't worry. I'll always be here for you" I say.

He smiles weakly and then starts clearing up.

I then head to go do what I needed to do and get chickens and hay from Marnie's shop.

"Okay, that will be 1700g" she says.

I put the money and she hands me the hay.

"I'll get Shane to deliver the chickens tomorrow. We can both agree that he's not in a fit enough state to be delivering chickens today." Marnie says.

"Yeah. I agree. And how's Jas holding up?" I ask.

"She's feeling better after I told her he's not going anytime soon." Marnie says.

"If you need any help, I'll be okay to take her when Shane has another drunken episode if you'd like" I say.

"Thanks Y/n. Hopefully it won't happen again though." Marnie replies thankfully.

"Anytime. And tell Shane he can take the chickens straight to my coop when he arrives tomorrow if he's not up to talking" I say.

"Okay, thanks again for your help, and thank you for your custom" she says and I make my leave to put the hay in the coop.

After putting the hay in the coop and everything, I make the rest of my errands and put anything I can in the community center. Like fish and crops etc, before then turning in for the day.


Shane: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤

Sorry the end is rushed. I had no idea how to end the chapter. So it's kinda rushed.

(Another thing from me just before I update this, I'm really enjoying writing this story. So much that I'm on with writing chapter 19 currently and decided to upload this chapter bc I'm so far ahead 😅😅😅)

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