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Art by Cocoacake on Tumblr

Enjoy (:



The Stardew Valley Fair... that's in a week's time. And I have some things I can take to the fair for my grange display.

Every year, I used to come to this fair when I was little. My grandpa would always win with his many wines, crops and fruits. I then always got to use the tokens he won to buy plushies, and other toys and such with them. It was always such fun!

The fortune teller would always tell me I'd have a big change at some point in my life. And I guess she was right. Welwick's fortunes never lie. She's amazing!!

I get myself ready and head out to my farm. I water my crops, feed and care for my animals and then head to Robin's place.

I've managed to save up enough for a coop upgrade and Marnie tells me I can get duck once my coop is big enough.

I head in and Robin is at the till as usual.

"Hi Y/n! How are you?" She says.

"Not bad. I'd like a coop upgrade please" I request.

"Yep, that will be 10,000g, 400 wood and 150 stone." She says writing down the job.

I hand her all the things and then say "That should be all of it."

"Are you excited for the Stardew Valley Fair next week? Me and Leah will be doing woodworking" She says smiling.

After some small talk, I decide to leave and get a bit of foraging done. I need the stuff for the community center, as well as a way to make a bit of extra cash.

I wander around the valley looking for forage. There's a lot of hazelnuts and plums. Blackberry season is here too and that's real handy. I gather everything I can and head to the community center to hand in everything I need to before I go to my farm.

I get there and save the best looking forage in a chest. And the rest get put in the shipping bin.

After doing all that, I gather all my animal goods and put them in mayonnaise machines/cheese makers and set those going. I pet all my animals and let them out to wander a bit.

I head to Marnie's Ranch and she's stood behind the counter.

"Hello Marnie" I say walking up to the counter.

"Oh... Y/n. I was hoping for... ahem" Marnie says clearing her throat.

"May I pre-order some ducklings? Robin's gonna be upgrading my coop so I can have some ducks." I say with a smile.

"Oh, of course" Marnie says, "When should I get them delivered to you for?" She asks.

"Uhhh... I'm gonna say in about 5 days, just to be safe. Robin said it would be a few days so I have no idea" I say.

"Okay" she says writing it down. I hand her the money for 2 ducklings and then she says "We haven't actually properly celebrated you and Shane getting together. How about a meal on me at the saloon.

"Oh! Sure, why not." I say smiling.

"Tonight at 6pm." She says.

"That works for me" I agree.

I then head home after a small conversation with her to go get ready.



Sorry. I know it's been a bit longer than expected for an update. I've had a really bad cough and not slept very well. I'm getting better slowly. But I thought I'd writhe this small chapter and also I should probably familiarise myself with what's actually gone on in the story so far 😅😅😅 I hope you all enjoyed the holidays/New Years and hopefully I'll be back to regular(ish) updates again.

Have a nice day/night

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