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Not 100% sure but I think this art is from SnufkinWasHere on Tumblr (I found it on Pinterest and the tag was that so I assumed that was the name of the artist)



I wake up the next morning and do my usual morning routine. I then make my way to the coop to see if the chickens have been delivered. And I hear a soft deep voice.

I head inside and see Shane petting the baby chicks that he had brought.

"Oh..." Shane says clearing his throat and then says "Hello Y/n. Uhhh... I was just helping the chicks get settled in" he says.

"You have a passion of looking after animals?" I ask him. I go over to him and we both take a seat on the floor. "More specifically chickens, but yeah." He says. Shane then gently hands me the small yellow chick and shows me how to pet it.

"Just use 1 or 2 fingers when petting it as it's a small chick, and a whole hand would just be too much." He says demonstrating how you'd pet a chicken.

He's so gentle when he wants to be. And to think he was so cold and pissy when we first met. And still is to some people. But he's so happy around chickens.

"How long have you been taking care of them for?" I ask.

"I've lived with my Aunt Marnie for a few seasons now. But I've always been fond of them when I came to visit" he says, placing the chick back on the floor.

"I can just imagine a tiny Shane running around with a chicken only half his size" I say chuckling.

Shane goes bright red and says "Well it's not hard to imagine. I've not really changed since I was little. Besides the beer belly and clear as day depression."

He then looks over at me a little upset and says "Hey Y/n..."

"What's up?" I say softly.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. You really didn't need to see me in that state. I was awfully drunk. I had a lot at the saloon and then-"

"Shane listen. It's okay. As long as you're still around, that's what matters for now." I say going over and offering a hug.

He leans his body towards mine and we sit there in a comfortable silence. His body felt warm. He had been in the coop a while so that makes sense. But it was also rather comforting.

After a short while he starts to move away and we both look over to the chickens wanting to leave the coop and explore.

"I should let them out huh.." I say to him.

"They do produce better eggs when they feed on fresh grass rather than hay" Shane suggests and so I go outside to open the hatch.

We head up to my house and Shane mentions he should get going. He needs to get shopping for Marnie as well as go look after her chickens

We say our goodbyes and he heads off the farm and towards town.

I sit on my porch and smile at the recent memory of me and Shane hugging in the coop.

It wasn't much on his end but it was comfortable. For me at least. I just hope I didn't make him feel uncomfortable.

I decide to spend the day taking resources to Robin's so I can get a silo as well as then go mining to get some resources to improve my farm for the summer. Which is in.. 2 DAYS HOLY SHIT!!!



I just realised I missed Shane's birthday... I apologise. I might do a bonus chapter at some point that isn't canon in this fanfic because I feel so guilty.

Also thank you again for reading my story, it means a lot to me (:


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