I'll never leave you

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Billy's: POV

My phone rang early in the morning and I answered sleepy. "Sorry I woke you up, but you have to come to the hospital." said Nadine. "I'm on my way." I replied and hung up. I throw on the clothes and drove fast to the hospital. I went to the room and met a happy surprise. Georgia had woken up and she smiled at me. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" I asked. "I'm good, but a bit cold." she said. I wrapped a blanket around her. "I'm so glad you're alive." I replied. "I'll never leave you." she said.

I hugged her and she cried

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I hugged her and she cried. "Shhh, it's over now." I said. "I love you dad." replied Georgia. "Love you more." I said and kissed the top of her head. Then I called Cooper and told him that Georgia had woken up. He was so happy to hear that.


Adam's: POV

I had arrested Astrid and her gang for attempted murder. They'll spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

"You're under arrest Astrid for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning.

If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time." I said and put handcuffs on them. I lead them out to the police car.

I'm so glad Georgia survived

I hope you liked the chapter


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