She wanted to save you

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Adam's: POV

I drove to the abandoned mansion. I walked inside with a worried feeling in my stomach. I went into a bedroom. I saw dried blood on the sheet. It was very quiet and my heart was pounding of fear. The thunder rumbled. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.

I went to the living room and looked around. I found photographers of a young boy. He couldn't be older than eleven. He was only wearing underwear. I felt sick to my stomach. I went out to my car and drove to the police station.


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"Hello Adam. It's nice to see you here, even if it's your day off." said Cookie. "I found these photographers in an abandoned mansion. There was also dried blood on the sheet." I replied. She looked at the photos and tears filled her eyes. "Cookie, are you okay?" I asked worried. "Adam, I'm so sorry." she said.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked. "The boy in the picture is you." said Cookie. "What?" I asked shocked. "Gladys told us about the abuse, she wanted to save you. But Olivia threatened to fire us all if it got out." said Cookie. "I can't believe it." I replied. "I'm sorry we failed you." she said. "No Cookie, it's not your fault." I replied. She hugged me and cried.


Jack's: POV

I was standing in the hall and was on my way to the hospital. I worked night today. I heard Adam calling my name. Tears were streaming down his face. I ran out to him and he hugged me.

"Adam, what has happened?" I asked. "I found out that my mom sexually abused me when I was a child." he said and his voice broke. I hugged him and he cried onto my shirt. "I'm here, I got you." I replied.

Then I called Nadine. "Do you think you can cover my shift. I found out something today and Adam needs me." I said. "Of course Jack, no problem. she replied. "Thank you." I said and hung up. "You did it for me?" asked Adam. "Of course darling." I said. "Thank you for being a wonderful husband." he replied.

I want to give Adam a hug

I hope you liked the chapter


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