The world is quiet here

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Georgia's: POV

I was taken to the forest by Astrid and her gang. They hit and kicked me. I screamed of pain. They threw me in the ice cold water and left me. I got out of the water and lay down on the ground. I looked at the sky. The snow fell quietly, but I felt nothing. With shaky hands, I pick up my phone from my bag.


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"Dad." I said. "Georgia, where are you?" he asked worried. "In the -f-forest." I said with shaky voice. "I'm on my way, you'll be okay." replied Billy. "I-I love y-you dad." I said. "I love you too." he replied. "I'm sorry." I said and closed my eyes. The world is quiet here.

Death is peaceful... easy. Life is harder.


Cooper's: POV

"You fuxed tried to kill my daughter. She's in hospital and fighting for her life. If she dies, my husband's brother will arrest you and your gang for murder. You don't mess with a Jackson, is that understood?" I asked. "Yes sir." said Astrid. "Also, tell your brother to stop stalking me. I'll ask for a restraining order for you and Oliver." I replied. m me bob. n. m mm blandning cnn can mm.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

Noo Georgia

I hope you liked the chapter


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