The new Captain

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Adam's: POV

"Papa." said Emily happily. "Morning kids." replied Jack with a smile on his face. I came down and I was a bit stressed. "Jack drive you to school today, I'm late for my job." I said. I gave my kids a quick hug and kissed Jack.

"Don't forget your coffee, darling." he said and handed her the travel mug. "Thanks darling." I replied. "See you later." he said. I kissed him again, before I left. I drove off to my job. I parked my car and walked in. I went to my office and sat at the desk.

"Good morning Adam, the new Captain

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"Good morning Adam, the new Captain." said Fin. "Thank you." I replied. "How does it feel?" he asked. "It feels a bit strange to be honset." I said. "You'll be a much better Captain than Olivia ever was. She didn't even care about the victims." replied Carisi.

"She was a predator herself. I don't understand how I could fall in love with her" said Elliot. "It's not your fault dad." I replied. "I could've protected you." he said. "Please, don't blame yourself dad." I replied. "You're right Adam, I'm sorry." said Elliot. "It's okay." I replied and he smiled.


Me and Emily were in a grocery store to buy food. I checked the list on my phone.

"Do you want to eat pancakes or waffles for dessert?" I asked. "Waffles." said Emily. "Good choice." I replied with a smile on my face. But my smile faded when I heard the news on the radio.

"Late last night a dangerous serial killer named Tommy escaped prison. He has been in jail for murder. If you see him, call the police, do not approach him." said the newscaster.

"This isn't good." I said. "What should we do?" asked Emily scared. "We have to warn everyone." I said.

Adam is the new Captain of SVU

I hope you liked the chapter


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