He would be so proud of you

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Adam's: POV

June 12th 2023: New York

I was sitting on my chair inside my office and typed on the computer. Cookie came in and she gave me a cup of caramel latte from Starbucks.

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"Thanks Cookie." I said and took a sip. "I guessed you needed some extra energy." she replied and looked at the newspapers on my desk.

"Earlier this morning I found a recording of Michael talking early in the morning of the day of his death. But he sound extremely high and drunk. But Michael doesn't drink, if he does drink, he wouldn't drink in front of people." I said. "We'll solve this case Adam." replied Cookie.

"Michael didn't deserve to die. I still remember when he begged me to leave him when the horrible false accusations came out about him. He said he would rather slit his wrists than hurt a child. I didn't left him, I stood by his side." I said. "You were a wonderful husband to him." replied Cookie. "Thank you." I said and she smiled. "He would be so proud of you." she replied.


I walked into the kitchen. Jack was at the stove cooking. I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him. I also kissed his neck.

 I also kissed his neck

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"I cook here." said Jack. "It can wait." I replied and kissed him. "You're romantic today." he said. "Thank you." I replied. He put me on the table and kissed my neck. I moaned outta pleasure. My kids walked into the kitchen. My cheeks were turning red.


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"Hey, we'll have dinner there later." said Timothee. "Sorry." I replied and blushed. "You guys are incredible." said Katherine. "We'll be quiet next time, I promise." replied Jack.

"Dad, do you think Gladys would like to come with me to the bookstore tomorrow?" asked Emily. "Of course sweetie, she loves books as much as you do." I said. "She's so cool." replied Katherine. "Gladys is also the queen of the serpent gang." I said.

I love Adam's family

I hope you liked the chapter


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