I'll protect her with my life

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Emily's: POV

Dad and papa came home after two days. We were so happy to see our little sister. I played with her and read books. Our parents smiled softly at us.

"She couldn't ask for better siblings." said Jack. "I'll protect her with my life, nobody hurt my sister." I replied. "Esme is so tiny and beautiful." said Emily. Dad hugged us and placed a kiss on my head. "I love you all so much." I said. "We love you too." he replied.


Cheryl'd: POV

"I bought clothes and toys to Esme, by the way." I said. "That was very generously of you." replied Adam. I showed him the bags and he looked at me. "Cheryl, are you serious?" he asked. "Do you like it?" I asked. "I love it, thank you so much." he said. "You're so welcome." I replied and he smiled.

Jack came up to us ane he held Esme in his arms. I showed her a unicorn doll and she smiled happily. "It's yours." I said and gave it to her. Esmr hugged her doll. "You're a wonderful aunt to her." replied Adam. "Thank you." I said.

So sweet

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So sweet

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