Lovely months || Chapter 119

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'Love comes in all sorts of forms.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

     It's been 3 wonderful months and I found myself now being 5 months pregnant. These past few months have been so calm and lovely that I've found myself feeling uneasy at the thought of something happening.

     In the passing months Luca and I had finally tied the knot and gotten legally married. We had mutually decided that we had waited long enough to get married. We had a small intimate wedding with just our close friends and family, which due to us both being antisocial wasn't a lot of trouble to plan.

     Before officially tying the knot we decided to sign a prenup on both ends seeing as us calmly discussing it seemed reasonable though we doubted we'd ever divorce. Currently I found myself at work sitting by my desk typing away an email before the sound of my phone ringing caught my attention.

     When I saw it was Luca I lowly swore seeing as how I had glanced at the time the moment his name registered in my brain. From the moment I had informed Luca of my pregnancy he's been a helicopter husband. From making sure I got enough sleep to making sure I ate properly.

     Truth be told Luca always did this but now he was calling me almost on the hour to check in and almost biting my head off when I worked right now.

"Hi baby." I spoke sweetly hoping he wouldn't argue with me.

"Don't 'Hi baby.' me Lyla Grey." Shit, he used my full legal name...he's definitely mad.

"I will be calling Matteo to have him reduce your hours or to keep an eye on you if you keep working so many extra hours, baby you should have been home like 3 hours ago!" Crap.

"You can't do that!" I spoke childishly.

"Mrs.Grey get your ass down here before I go up there and carry you out." He spoke.

"Fine." In defeat I spoke. Packing everything up I wore a pout when I met up with Luca who had his car parked right next to mines. His arms were folded over his chest and he was basically looking at me in pure disappointment..god how I hated that bloody look.

"You need to stop." I spoke folding my arms over my chest when I stood before him. Luca said not a word and just looked down at me. The height difference wasn't too extreme but I always felt small next to him.

"You cannot control my every move Luca! You need to trust that I have our baby's best interest at heart! And I'm getting really upset with you constantly—!" Before another word could leave my lips Luca kissed me.

"You are so adorable when you are upset." He spoke with a smile caressing my cheek with his thumb. I was always breathless due to the human growing inside of me but his kisses always made me breathless in another sense.

"And I'm sorry for constantly being on you..I just want to make sure you and the baby stay safe." He spoke softly before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I know..but you have to trust me Luca, I would never put my life much less the life of our unborn child at risk." He smiled at my frown.

"I will always trust you Lyla." I smiled as he kissed me and took my purse from me.

"I would like it if you could keep track of the time and come home when you are supposed to though..I get worried when you don't, and with everything we have been through I just...I really need to know you are safe; it doesn't help that you are rarely on your phone as well." A smile formed on my lips.

"No one is going to hurt me Luca." His puppy eyes made my heart flutter.

"For someone who has a job in teaching you sure find a lot of free time to call and text." I spoke and he just rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Let's go home, I'll make your favorite." When my eyes lit up he laughed lightly.

Once at home he ran me a bath as he cooked me my favorite meal. After getting ready for bed—which consisted of me stealing one of Luca's shirts along with shorts due to my clothes barely fitting—I happily made my way downstairs as the aroma of Luca's cooking filled my nostrils.

     When Luca's frame came into view I smiled happily seeing him placing my meal on the table. He served himself and I sat down after he pulled my chair out. As my eyes took in the food I licked my lips practically jumping in my seat like a little kid.

"Can I eat now?" I asked with a frown which made Luca smile as he nodded. Excitedly I started stuffing my face as I did my happy dance. When my eyes looked towards Luca he was just looking at me smiling as if lost in thought which made my happy dance slowly come to a stop as I frowned.

"What?" I asked slightly on the verge of tears. Luca lightly chuckled before flashing me his adorable smile and kissing my cheek. He wiped the tears I didn't even know had fallen down my cheeks and shook his head slightly.

"You are just so beautiful." He seemed lost in my eyes which made me blush as my gaze went to my food. Luca slightly got up and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before sitting back down.

"Eat up so we could watch a movie." We ate and after that with a little bit of arguing Luca allowed me to help him clean up.

We made popcorn and put out some healthy snacks we got before picking out a movie. Once I got pregnant Luca bought healthy snacks which slightly annoyed me but he got good snacks nevertheless. Luca was a health freak either way so we always had healthy snacks either way. Deciding on a romantic movie we snuggled up on the sofa under a comfortable blanket as his arms wrapped around my tummy like another blanket.

Throughout the movie his thumb caressed my stomach which would make the baby kick or move to which he smiled but I slapped his hand feeling a little annoyed. Luckily the baby calmed down and just enjoyed the touch as much as me.

"Don't forget about the appointment tomorrow." Luca spoke as he kissed my neck.

"I know don't worry." I spoke happily. I've always been forgetful but this pregnancy was doing a number on my memory.


As we watched the movie I happily fell asleep in Luca's arms feeling safe and protected like always.


Sorry for the spaced out updates! I will try to finish this whole book throughout the thanksgiving days.



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