The Goodbye Text || Chapter 81

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'Some people just need therapy.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

A soft groan left my lips as my eyes slowly opened welcoming the pounding headache I had. My half shut and barely focused eyes wondered around my environment before I slowly sat up feeling my body in pain. When I tried to move my hands or feet they were bounded together tightly with a rope.

"Hi sleeping beauty." I looked at Ryan and he was smiling looking at me before his eyes went from me back to the road.

"W-Ryan what the fuck?!"

"What's wrong baby?" I glanced around frantically and saw a bunch of suitcases in the backseat. I recognized the three big ones as mines.

"R-Ryan what the hell?! What do you mean what's wrong?! Do you really think someone won't notice I'm gone?! Or you?!" I mean I knew I wasn't really important but I had people who still least I hoped.

"Don't worry I made sure to say your goodbyes for you." He smiled before waving my phone around in my face and throwing it out of the window.

"R-what the fuck?!"

"Don't worry I'll get you a new one when we get out of the country." Out of the country?! What the fuck?! My breathing was definitely heavy and frequent.

"Where are you taking me?"

"My parents have a vacation home somewhere isolated, you'll love it I swear." He said with a huge smile glancing at me then back at the road.

"You're a fucking psycho!" He smashed the breaks so hard that if I wasn't wearing this seatbelt I would of flown out. His grip on the steering wheel tightened so hard before he placed a hand on my neck squeezing it tightly.

"I told you Eliz-I mean Lyla, stop calling me that, you know I hate that word." He smiled sweetly and then removed his hand from my neck and proceeding to drive again. What the hell was he going to say? I was too stunned to even speak.

"We'll have to stop at a motel for the night but tomorrow night we'll be safe and out of town away from everyone." He glanced at me with a huge smile before looking back at the road.

"We will have to dye your hair though, what color do you want? I think black would look really pretty on you, it'll bring out your eyes. Maybe blond? No it'll make you look weird, and how about a haircut? Shoulder length maybe? Your hair has gotten so long though, I'd hate to cut it but we have to. You understand don't you?" He kept rambling glancing my way from time to time and I could only watch him in bewilderment.

"It's alright I'll chose." We stopped at a convenience store and he got out of the car but not before warning me to not try anything along with locking me in. Ryan came back moments later and got in flashing me his adorable smile that was now creepy as fuck.

Can't believe I didn't see this before.

"I got jet black, do you like it? I think you'll look really pretty." He smiled and I felt chills run down my spine.

"I got you something to eat." He pulled out a bag of chips opening it for me and I slapped it out of his hands making a mess. He banged my head against the window making my vision blur once again.

"Stop being so hardheaded Lyla." He warned through gritted teeth as he fisted my hair making my half way closed eyes lock with his.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." He caressed my face softly as he offered me a small smiled. Ryan kissed my lips making me try to pull back but I couldn't due to him holding my face firmly.

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