Off Day || Chapter 37

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'A touch is all it takes to give you butterflies.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

     Once fully awake it took me a while to realize I was home alone. Currently downstairs in the kitchen I smiled when I saw a note on the counter. Even his handwriting was good looking.

'I'll only allow you to skip school for today, I expect you to catch up on the work you missed today when you're back tomorrow. Breakfast is in the microwave and I left all the sad sappy movie names on the table, wifi password will be down below along with my phone number incase you need anything or can't find anything.

(Turn me over)

Ice cream is in the freezer and spoons are to the right, sit on the couch by the way. I left some clothes in the bathroom along with a fresh towel and all that. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything and I hope you feel better today. L.G'

     Long ass note but sweet. After eating and doing the dishes I made my way upstairs where I fixed the bed and then took a shower. I went back downstairs after everything and watched about two of the movies he recommended after texting in the group chat that I'll be skipping today. After those two movies the house phone started ringing.

     I left it to ring since it wasn't my house to answer a call. It kept ringing and ringing which pissed me off inevitably. I sighed and answered the stupid phone.

"Grey's residence." I said in a bored tone.

"Why didn't you answer the first time?" Mr.Grey asked making me sigh.

"It's not my house, why would I answer the phone?"

"Whatever, I'm just calling to check in on you, are you alright?"

"I'm not a kid."

"Don't be a dick about it." He said making me just envision him rolling his eyes.

"I'm alright Mr.Grey, thanks for letting me stay here by the way."

"Wow Ms.Valentine saying thank you?" He asked in a mocking tone.

"Fine I take it back."

"Too late, anyways class is about to start so I have to go, text me if you need anything."

"Will do." The call ended and I watched another movie.

     After the movie my stomach grumbled in hunger which made me rummage through his kitchen where I found nothing. Groaning I decided to text Mr.Grey, if I had his number might as well use it.

'I'm hungry Mr.Grey.' He should know who was texting him.

'I'll order you something to eat in a minute, do you want anything in particular?'

'I'm okay with anything, thanks in advance:)' he didn't respond so I went back to watching dumb sappy movies.

     There was a knock on the door and I hesitantly got it. When I opened it I smiled seeing a similar lunchbox to the one when Mr.Grey got us food. After eating I washed everything up and packed them neatly in the lunchbox again. Just as I was on my last movie wrapping it up I heard the door opened. Realizing it was Mr.Grey my mind realized the day had went by rather quickly. Moments later he sat down next to me sighing as he loosened his tie and relaxed into the couch.

"Who stressed you out? Clearly I wasn't at school so..." I said looking his way. He gave me a bored and tired look when he turned his head to me.

"I had such an amazing day without you harassing in my class, it was so beautiful really, so quiet and relaxing." He said with a huge smile and a really sarcastic tone making me scoff as I crossed my arms.

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