Bag Search || Chapter 56

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'Trust is always hard.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

     A week has gone by and finally me and Luca were on great terms. Throughout that week I took back my seat in all of my classes because I'll be damned if I let Paola think she can control me. As stated by Luca I got all of my stupid school work done but he rewarded me with an orgasm and lots of kisses so it wasn't all bad. Paolas also been nonstop complaining about how Luca doesn't even look at her in class which honestly just made me laugh. Currently me and Eric were walking to class and I couldn't help but notice the extra precautions they were taking.

"What's up with the extra security? And the increase in random bag searches?" Eric looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"You haven't heard?" My tongues been down our teachers throat so no.


"Two students overdosed in the males dorm." I nodded as we gave our bags to the guards to search. Another week had passed of them on high alert and I was now in Lucas office doing my work. Due to us spending a long time in his office Luca had gotten us food from the place I became obsessed with because of him.

"Hey can you pass my bag?" I asked Luca as I finished jotting down my information on the paper.

"Sure.." the room was silent for what felt like centuries so I looked back and found a very pissed off Luca with a bag of different drugs that varied from weed to cocaine.

     What the fuck is that?

"There's a simple explanation for that honestly." Fuck I'm panicking. How the heck did that even get in there?!

"Please explain." Angrily yet calmly Luca spoke.

"That's not mine." I said shyly.

"It's not?" As if I was stupid Luca spoke the question.

"I swear they're not mine." I was now standing facing him as the anger on his face grew more by the second.


"Who? Who what?" My confused voice questioned.

"Who the fuck does it belong to then?!" He snapped.

"I-I don't know Luca, it's just not mines." I folded my arms over my chest getting upset by everything.

"Fine; let's go to the office and maybe then you'll talk." He said angrily.

"Are you serious?!"

"I'm dead serious." Unbelievable. Now he wants to be a teacher.

"I told you they're not mines!"

"Explain it to Mr.Abraham, let's go."

"Luca you can't be serious."

"Lyla to the office."

"Why? It's not like they're mines." They truly weren't.

"Lyla you're a student with drugs in your bag, and not weed or anything; you have cocaine, Molly, Amphetamines—"

"I GET IT!" Fucking hell was he going to read out each and everyone of them.

"Lyla why? After two people fucking died of an overdose are you serious?" He's definitely mad if he's swearing.

"They're not mines!" Why won't he believe me?

"I don't give a fuck who it belongs to Lyla! Right now all I can think about is this shit being in your fucking bag!"

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