Moping No More || Chapter 90

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'Having fun is just what the doctor ordered at times:)' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

The second I closed the door to my shared dorm room I slid down the door with tears streaming down my cheeks. My knees raised to my chest and I covered my face with the palms of my hands and started full on sobbing and crying into them.

"I'll call you later." I heard Sofi say but didn't care to move.

"Lyla what's wrong?" She asked softly in a worried tone as she kneeled before me raising my head.

"We broke up." As the words left my lips I found myself crying harder feeling the words cutting me deep in my heart as they sunk in once again.

"Wh...what why?!" Sofi asked making me sniff and wipe my tears. She helped me into bed and I sat down resting my back and head on the headboard.

The girls all came in out of nowhere and I honestly hadn't even noticed Sofi calling to informing them.

"What do you mean you guys broke up?!" Elena asked angrily as she stormed in. They all sat around me on the bed with their legs crossed.

"What happened honey?" Delilah asked as she pulled me in for a hug when she sat down next to me.

"He said he wanted space..." I started crying into her chest hugging her back. Elena rubbed my back as Sofi told me it'll be okay.

"It's just space lyla that doesn't mean you guys broke up..." Delilah said in a comforting tone making me shake my head pulling back one time as I wiped my pathetic tears.

"You guys didn't see him though, he looked so upset...." I sniffed blinking tears away at the memory.

"Just give him some time he'll come around." Sofi said with a soft smile.

'Doubt it.' I thought to myself.

[ A Week Later ]

I found myself sitting on my bed with my back and head against the headboard as I sulked and moped. My eyes stared at my laptop screen not focusing on anything in particular as my arms stayed folded over my chest.

A frown stayed on my lips as my tired eyes just gazed at the calendar filled with detailed events I had made a while back for me and Luca before he decided to end us. It has been literally a week with no word from him and I honestly felt my heart break further with each passing day of no communication.

I've stupidly spent this whole week staying in bed and moping over the idiot. Luckily for me I had finished all of my exams the day he had ended it and since it was just make up for the rest of the week I didn't have to see him. From a distance my ears picked up the sound of a sigh and shortly after Sofi came into view after closing my laptop. My eyes watched her tiredly and she frowned at my droopy eyes.

"We're going out, I'm tired of seeing you like this Lyla...." A pout formed on her lips as she spoke.

"I'm fine." I found myself saying but Sofi just shook her head with a small and warming smile.

"Lyla you haven't left the room since Luca said he wanted space, all you do is stay in and be in your feelings, come on just one night with the gang and you'll feel better I promise." An enthusiastic smile formed on her lips to which I just sighed.

"Fine.." reluctantly I found myself agreeing seeing as how this room was definitely bringing me down further.

"SHE SAID YES!!!" Out of no where Sofi shouted as she happily jumped up and down which scared the hell out of me. Just like that the door opened and in came Delilah and Elena joining the cheering.

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