Spilling Unknowingly || Chapter 21

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'Good days and bad days are bound to happen my friends but always remember how far you've come.' ~ Thunder.


Third-Person POV

     After vomiting her stomach out she flushed the toilet and rinsed her mouth out. Her head was spinning and pounding as she searched the drawers of his bathroom. She found a new sealed toothbrush and brushed her teeth before clumsily taking her clothes off when she notice she got a little puke on it. When she exited the bathroom Luca was sitting at the foot of the bed on his phone but when he looked up his eyes grew wide and he quickly turned his head away.

"Lyla why are you only in underwear?!"

"I threw up on myself." He sighed before going to his closet and getting her a shirt not looking at her throughout the whole process of getting it and handing it to her. She placed the shirt on and gave him the clear. Luca grabbed her clothes from the floor and placed them to wash and got her some water after she was in bed.

"Thanks..." she said as she drank some of it.

"I didn't take it knowingly just so you know." She said glancing at him. Only now did she noticed how sexy he looked. He had on a black leather jacket with a black t-shirt and black jeans with an expensive looking pair of sneakers. His hair was slicked back and her eyes lingered a little longer on his lips.

"It's your life you don't have to explain anything to me." She stopped drinking her water and turned her head to him. He was sitting in a chair next to the bed near her as he looked down at his phone.

"I don't do drugs." His eyes locked with hers and he raised a brow.

"My..." she sighed before proceeding.

"My mom was a junkie." At this point she was looking straight ahead towards the wall not wanting to meet his eyes.

"I found her dead in her room when I was 12 due to an overdose. I would see her like a zombie for hours and hours everyday and I didn't recognize her after a while. She was so....fragile and frail. She didn't look the same nor acted the same, she was either high or smacking me around because she couldn't get her fix."

"What about your dad? Don't you have siblings or anything?" He asked calmly his gaze on her.

When he had accidentally seen her body he saw many marks on her which pissed him off but he knew she was troubled; he just didn't know how bad. Luca watched her in confusion when she let out a short bitter laugh. No sort of humor was held in it whatsoever.

"I called him a bunch of times when she had just started but he told me to fuck off so I did; as for my brother he didn't care neither." She took a sip of the water feeling her mouth and throat dry up.

He saw a single tear stream down her cheek and fisted his hands to not wipe it away. Lyla bit her bottom lip trying to fight the urge to cry when her lip quivered at the thought of all the memories but failed when tears streamed down her face. She cracked a bittersweet smile as she let her tears stream down her cheeks freely. His jaw clenched along with his whole body tensing up hating to see her cry though he didn't know exactly why.

"My life has always been go great." She let out a short bitter laugh but he could hear all the pain and sarcasm in her statement.

"It sucks you know....." she glanced his way and smiled looking back towards the wall.

"What does?"

"Where would I even start...growing up with a mother who hated even looking at my face? A father who knew I was his but still chose to abandon me for no reason? Being taken advantage of by foster parents? Never being good enough?" She let out another short laugh shaking her head as she looked down at her hands.

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