The Call || Chapter 35

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'Trauma cuts deep no matter how long ago it happened.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

     As I currently sat in Mr.Greys office consumed in my own thoughts on how to expose Mr.Ross I couldn't focus on the work at hand. I wanted to expose him for sleeping around with students-not Sofi of course. Since the girl who hurt Ethan was already sent a clear message I was now solely focused on Mr.Ross.

     I 'accidentally' set her house to blow up from a gas leak. The whole thing was ruled as an accident but though I never told anyone Ethan had given me a big hug and thanked me for it which made me smile honestly. He said he wished she was in the fire and truthfully so did I. Ethan had looked so happy when he found out her house had blown up which just fueled my happiness. Now it's just this bastard I have to take down.

"Why are you dozing off more than usual? Did you not eat?" Mr.Greys voice asked pulling me back to reality.

"Deep in thought sorry."

"You're not planning on getting into trouble are you?" He asked raising a brow.

"No Mr.Grey calm down." I rolled my eyes before grabbing my phone. I had taken pictures of Mr.Ross with a bunch of students doing the deed and sent to the whole school including the dean. I left the teachers out because it'll spread to them eventually. I got a 'thank you' text from Sofi minutes later which I smiled at. I'll do anything for these morons.

     After a bit of silence the office phone rang during our session to which he answered. I could heard the headmasters faint voice on the other end as Mr.Grey just hummed and nodded looking right at me.

"Yes my session with Ms.Valentine is happening at this moment." My eyes pierced his in curiosity.

"Sure." He stretched the hand with the phone towards me after he spoke and I watched it in confusion.

"Someone's on the line for you." He nudged the phone slightly making me grab it slowly. I have no one to call me so who the hell could this be.


"Hey." My face turned into confusion when I heard the voice.

"Who's this?"

"It's Junior, I've been trying to contact you and you've just been ignoring me." My face turned stone cold the moment I heard the name on the other end.

"What do you want?" Coldly I spoke.

"I've sent you letters and you haven't responded, and I also send you a phone why haven't you texted me?"

"I don't want to, and I don't want to talk to you either so bye."

"Wait!" I rolled my eyes and groaned. I was avoiding Mr.Greys gaze because I knew he was for sure interested.

"I'm studying and you're distracting me so make it fast."

"Why have you been ignoring me? I'm trying to be in your life and do better why won't you let me?"

"Why won't I let you?! Is that seriously a fucking question?!" I shot up out of my seat feeling my blood boil. I didn't even care that my books were on the floor.

"Why are you being so tough on me? I'm the one who helped place you in that school, if it wasn't for me you would of been in jail."

"I don't fucking want your help! I rather rot in a cell! I didn't get the help when I needed it and I definitely don't fucking need it now so leave me alone you fucking bastard!" I hung the phone up and turned my back towards Mr.Grey taking deep breaths and trying to calm down. The phone rang again and once again he told me it was for me. I sighed turning around and grabbing the phone from him.

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