Clarification & Punishments || Chapter 74

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'Some punishments are more to please than to actually punish." ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

     I allowed Luca to hold me in his arms as he drifted off to sleep but I stayed wide awake. My thoughts went back to him and Sasha the other day and I wanted to punch his peaceful and handsome sleeping face so badly. We were both pretty worn out but I forced my body to get out of bed.

     I wanted to lay in his arms but my thoughts couldn't stop thinking about what he's done with Sasha on this very stupid bed. I felt my body ache all around just begging me to let it rest after it went through so many orgasms but I forced myself to get dressed and get the fuck out. Sparing Luca a glance I smiled knowing he was going to be pissed when he found out I stole his car to get back on campus. He'll get over it though.

     Once at the gate I used his keycard to get in and parked his car where he would always park it. Luckily for me all the guards were dosed with one hell of an amount of sleeping pills. It was done so we could all go out and come back whenever we wanted. A group of students had gone into town to get every single guard's favorite coffee just so they could spike them with a bunch of sleeping pills so they'll be out for the whole night.

     Let's pray none of them die of an overdose since it's not like they were keeping track of how many pills they placed in each cup. When I got to the room I saw Sofi and her boo thang cuddled up on her bed, the guys were all on the air mattress we bought a while back and Ethan laid on the beanbag chair we had. It was spacious so he was lucky.

     I was pretty much now sober and hella sore after the fucking Luca gave me but I got blankets and covered them each individually making them smile in their sleep. Delilah and Elena were on my bed rather cozy so I decided to wash off Lucas scent and the smell of sex. I loved smelling like him but I needed to get all of my orgasms along with his come off of my body and hair. Once showered and everything I normally did after was done I laid in my bed at the bottom horizontally and threw a blanket over myself as I allowed the tiredness to wash over me.

     I woke up to being kicked along with a loud pounding on the door. Delilah was kicking me telling me to go open the door to which I groaned seeing everyone was drunk asleep. I sighed getting out of bed with my crazy hair and half asleep ass. When I opened it I covered my mouth yawning to see a very pissed off Luca on the other end.

"Where the fuck are my car keys?" Luca said rather than asked seeming rather pissed.

"Morning to you too sunshine." I yawned out before walking back into the room grabbing his keys from the nightstand. Luca was looking into the room looking at the group of drunk teens scattered all around the room.

"You guys are going to die of alcohol poisoning if you keep this up." He said as he eyed me when I came back to him.

"Whatever, bye."

"We're not done here missy, put some shoes on we're going to the principals office.

"Dude it's early come back tomorrow."

"It's literally 10:00am." He said making me groan. I went back and got shoes fixing my hair in a messy bun and rinsing my mouth. I was honestly happy I went to sleep in a big t-shirt and sweats.

     When we got to the office Mr.Abraham groaned seeing me. I rolled my eyes as we sat down before him wishing I was anywhere but here. Luca sat there looking as handsome as ever making my memory remind me of how desperate I must of looked when I had allowed myself to take in his attire whilst biting my bottom lip. If I'm being honest I was sore but I wouldn't mind him eating me out.

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