Congratulations || Chapter 118

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'There's always something to celebrate!' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

Seven years later:

Seven years have gone by in the blink of an eye and today I will be walking across the stage to receive my diploma for that last time in my lifetime. Thankfully not much has happened and it's been an easy going seven years. Luca and I had moved in together after my first year of undergrad, and due to us being use to sharing space with each other it was an easy adjustment.

Luca, as always, was thriving in his career and luckily so was I. Matteo had companies all around which made it easy for me to keep working reasonable hours whilst still attending school. Him also having companies everywhere meant I could get a job in my field no matter where I went.

     It's been hard trying to balance school, work, and on top of that still keeping our relationship alive and healthy. Luca and I haven't been as intimate nor as affectionate as before but we tried. He was always tired from work and I was honestly also really tired from everything going on in my life. We tried to make time for each other and still try to show affection here and there even if it was just a simple kiss or words of affection, so far it's worked for us.

After today though things were going to change for us both and I wasn't sure if it was going to be for the better or for the worst. When it came to sex, Luca and I weren't really too concerned nor cautious about it which led to today's news. After a regular checkup with my doctor I found out I was currently two months pregnant and the bad thing about it all is that I was nervous to tell Luca.

We never spoke about where we stood on the kids subject nor if we even wanted to have kids. If I'm being honest I wasn't sure how he'd react, and it was a little scary thinking about someone growing inside of me and not having support, but I've known Luca long enough to know well enough that he'll never do that to me...or so I hoped. Though I haven't told Luca I'm pretty sure he's noticed my subtle changes here and there but luckily he hasn't said anything about them.

Currently I was getting ready to leave the house and meet up with Estrella who was going to do my hair and makeup due to me being too lazy to do so. I wore a black loose fitted dress as to not draw too much attention to my stomach. As I walked down the stairs making a final check I smiled seeing Luca on the sofa with his laptop on his lap as he focused on some work email or lesson plan, I really wasn't sure. Since I had to do a lot before the graduation ceremony I decided to just have Luca meet me there. Going up to him I kissed his cheek not bothering to even glance at his laptop.

"Leaving to meet with Estrella, don't be late." Luca smiled still looking at his laptop.

"When have I ever been late?" His eyes met mines and my heart like always fluttered.

"I guess." I spoke with a smile only he could get out of me.

"I'll see you later." He just smiled at my words as he slightly nodded. After pecking his lips quickly I made my way to the door but stopped when he spoke.

"Don't forget to leave the ring baby." When my eyes looked towards him Luca's eyes were on his laptop screen as he typed away causing me to roll my eyes with a smile.

Throughout those seven years Luca had picked up the habit of making me leave the engagement ring so he could get it cleaned though it hung around my neck and not on my finger. For what it's worth the ring has been mostly like a promise ring since I'm guessing Luca wanted to give me enough time to think on it. The first time he did ask for it I thought he was going to actually propose and tell me it was time for us to plan our wedding but it's been years and still nada. Though if I'm being honest I'll go mad if he waited any longer.

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