Confrontation || Chapter 41

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'It doesn't get easier the more you delay it.' ~ Thunder.

Lylas' POV:

It's been a few days since my attacks but I've honestly been feeling a little better. Luckily nothing else has happened to trigger anymore panic attacks which I've really been happy about. After a boring day of classes me and the crew were now hanging out and I felt happy to be around people who I felt comfortable around.

"I hate people." Ethan said making me laugh. His head was laying on my lap as I played with his hair. I was sitting on my bed with my back against the headboard.

Right after his words I zoned out like I was for most of the evening.

"What's up with you?" Jay asked making me snap back to reality.

My mind honestly kept going back to Mr.Greys office along with all the other times he took care of me and how he really cared about what was happening with me. I'm really trying to decide if I should admit to him or not. I probably shouldn't though.

"Nothing, just stressed with all these class assignments." I sighed at the end to make it as believable as possible. It was half of the truth in all honesty.

"Ugh I know right! Ms.Ortega is being an ass about this stupid project she's assigned. She needs to fucking get laid." Delilah spoke in an annoyed tone making me smile and laugh.

"How about we set her up with Mr.Grey? She's obsessed with the man." I said making Delilah grin.

"Mr.Grey is yours Lyla no way." She smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"He hates my guts and I hate him so not happening."

"Denial." Elena said making me glare at her.

"That's a river in Egypt I believe." I said making her laugh.

"Fine let's set them up." And with that we started planning.

[A Week Later]

A week of failed attempts has gone by and I can't say I'm surprised. Gosh making two people fall in love was so exhausting. He showed no signs of interest and Ms.Ortega was all over the idiot.

"Why is he just standing there?" I asked Ethan to which he shrugged with his blank face. I groaned annoyed by this.

We were spying through a window looking into his classroom watching our latest attempt to make something happen but he and Ms.Ortega just stood inches apart not saying a damn word. Ms.Ortega slowly licked her lips and he just watched her with his unemotional face. SERIOUSLY?! Fucking virgin!

"Come on just fucking kiss." I groaned out growing impatient. For fuck sakes it's been a week of enclosing them in small and private spaces for gods sakes!

Ms.Ortega grabbed his face and kissed him making me lowly cheer. Hell yes! He pulled back just as quickly though.

"What are you doing Ms.Ortega? I don't date coligues nor am I interested in forming a relationship with you other than coworkers." He said coldly making me groan.

"This man and his fucking morals for fuck sakes. I mean just whip it out and fuck her for gods sake." I groaned out making Ethan chuckle.

"Maybe we should drug them and put them in a bed naked together, maybe it'll happen." He said with a shrug.

"Good idea, we'll call that plan E." I said with a low chuckle due to the crazy idea.

"Let's go, clearly nothings going to happen between them. God he's such an ass he's probably a virgin." I sighed out as we both walked off. Moments after the group came together and I told them he's probably gay by the way he just shut the woman down. When the night fell upon us everyone headed to their own rooms but as I laid in bed a text came in that made me instantly freeze.

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