The End? || Chapter 110

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'Some nightmares aren't always in our heads. ~ Thunder.'


Third-Person POV:

     The following day Luca rolled out of bed early morning and smiled seeing lyla still fast asleep. After getting ready for the day he went downstairs where he found Lorenzo already waiting for him.

"You ready?" Lorenzo asked as he finished sending a text. Lyla and Estrella were still asleep which was why they decided to go back to Lucas place to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"Yeah." With that they left to Lucas place.

     Once again Luca along side Lorenzo checked Lucas house from top to bottom and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. They checked the cameras and nothing was found which made Luca grow worried for Lyla. They sat on Lucas sofa and Luca just ran a hand down his face feeling so stressed.

"She'll be fine." Lorenzo reassuringly spoke as he squeezed Lucas shoulder.

     Luca was honestly almost on the verge of tears feeling so useless that he couldn't help her. He just nodded at what Lorenzo said and they left back to Lorenzo's place where they found Estrella having breakfast. After a bit of conversation Luca went upstairs where he found Lyla getting dressed.

"Hey," she kissed him on the lips before proceeding to speak. "where'd you run off to so early?" Lyla finished pulling her top over her chest and Luca just softly smiled which slightly alarmed her.

"What's wrong?" Lyla questioned. Luca was now sitting on the edge of the unfixed bed.

"Lorenzo and I went back to the house and we didn't find anything...I was wondering if maybe you'll consider going to therapy?" He skeptically asked.

"So you think I'm crazy?" Defensively Lyla retorted angrily.

"No of course not I you never really did fully deal with all the trauma you went through and I just...I thought maybe you'll benefit from starting therapy." Luca kept his tone calm and collected though he was on edge.

"Just say you think I have issues!"

"I do think you have issues but not in the sense in which you're putting it Lyla. You've dealt with so many traumatic events during your life and you've never really professionally dealt with them..I just really think it'll help you in the long run."

"Unbelievable." Lyla scoffed and stormed out of the room leaving Luca to sit and reflect on if there was any way that their conversation could have gone differently. A knock sounded on the door and once Luca glanced up he saw Lorenzo who wore a sympathetic look.

"You really suck at relationships." Lorenzo teased as he sat down next to a stressed out Luca.

"Tell me about it." Luca sighed and Lorenzo let out a short laugh.

"Estrella left with her to comfort her...I thought you might need an ear."

"I'm losing it here," Luca sighed. "everything I bring up that can help her just makes me out to be the bad guy and I don't get it."

"Maybe she's just not ready to listen, give her a bit." Lorenzo patted Luca on the shoulder and they went downstairs for drinks.

Lyla and Estrella walked around the neighborhood as she tried to calm down. She felt bad for taking offense to the suggestion but for some reason she couldn't help herself.

"Why are you so upset?" Estrella asked keeping her gaze casted straight ahead.

"Everyone thinks I'm going insane and I can't help but feel like I am." Lyla spoke keeping her gaze on the floor as she wiped away a stray tear then hugged herself.

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