Empty || Chapter 111

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'Some pasts just don't stay there.' ~ Thunder.


Third-Person POV:

Lyla's eyes opened after a bit due to her not feeling anything but the moment she did she saw the blade of the knife millimeters away from her chest. Her heavy and shaky breathing made the blade touch her skin. Inwardly Lyla panicked though she was trying to calm herself down. Her eyes inevitably went up to Ryan and the haunting smile from her nightmares with the matching eyes were staring at her.

Ryan smiled and Lyla trembled under him still silently sobbing as if she was having sleep paralysis. Lyla couldn't move, she couldn't think, she could breathe, not even scream though that's all she wanted to do. Lyla was just paralyzed in fear.

"I missed you." He spoke with his smile widening. At the sound of his voice tears brimmed her eyes as she blinked wishing it was just a nightmare.

"What if I just...." The blade made contact with her skin.

Ryan applied a little bit of pressure onto the blade which made it slightly sink into her skin. The blade formed a tiny small cut causing him to smile at the sight of some blood coming out of the tiny cut. His eyes met hers and as Lyla blinked away tears still frozen in her spot Ryan just smiled before pulling the blade away.

"I can't kill you." Softly he spoke. The tone was meant to be gentle and caring but Lyla just felt chills. His smile stayed on his lips and Lyla couldn't stop her little soft sobs as the feeling of dread and doom swallow her whole.

"You look so much more beautiful than the last time I saw you."

Before anything could be processed by her Ryan kissed her. His lips hungrily devoured her as she stilled from freight. Her tears streamed like a river as his lips hungrily made their way down her body. Thankfully her phone rang and though paralyzed she was filled with a little relief at the hesitant stop of his actions. Ryan rejected the call before starting to kiss Lyla's neck.

The phone kept ringing causing him to groan in annoyance before grabbing it. He was about to hang up but the call stopped. With that a chain of messages from the caller—which was Luca—informing Lyla that if she didn't answer he was coming home. Ryan wanted to enjoy private time with Lyla so when the phone rang again he answered it and pressed the blade alongside Lyla's neck which made her tears stream even more. Pushing the blade into her skin slightly as he glanced from her eyes to the phone quickly Lyla knew what he wanted but she didn't want to.

The blade pressed further and she saw Ryan's eyes shift to anger. She felt blood slide down her neck as she closed her eyes and turned her head to the side avoiding him.

"Lyla?" Her heart picked up at the sound of Lucas concern voice.

"Ye-yes..." she slightly sobbed out but stopped when the blade went a little deeper in warning but not deep enough to cause vital injuries. Her eyes opened and immediately met Ryan's own.

"Did I wake you? I know Estrella said you were asleep and I'm sorry if I woke you I was just worried I hadn't heard from you." Luca spoke feeling bad about interrupting her. She stayed silent for a minute but with a warning look from Ryan she spoke up.

"Uh no I'm okay...have fun." Ryan hung up before anything else could be said.

"Let's have some fun yeah?" Ryan kissed her but after hearing Lucas voice she snapped out of her frozen state and pushed him away.

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