Drunken Trouble || Chapter 5

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'No drunk driving!' ~ Everyone's parents.


Lylas' POV:

We were now at the party and I can say I was excited for it after dealing with that stupid teacher all damn week. 

"WASSUP PARTY PEOPLE!!!" Eric shouted as he got out of his car with a bottle of don Julio half empty.

"You pregamed without me!" Sofi shouted sadly making me laugh as they bickered on the way in.

We started drinking, enjoying the party to the fullest and they were all puking in a bush drunk by the time we had to go back on campus. Eric was in his boxers for some reason, Elena and Sofi could barely walk straight and had their heels in their hands singing out loud as they skipped like children in the middle of the road to the wrong car. Justin was having sex with some girl in the house, Jay was puking in a bush, Ethan was luckily fine, and Delilah was falling in bushes left and right

"Will Justin be good to drive?" I asked turning my face to Ethan.

"Yeah, he wasn't drinking that much, as for these idiots I'll take Eric, and Jay, you can take Sofi, Elena and Delilah since you guys are going to the other side of campus." I nodded and wanted to kill Eric because we got everyone in the correct cars but he decided to streak down the road waving his boxers around that were in his hand.

"TEQUILAAAA!!!!" He shouted as he ran naked making me want to murder him even more. I recorded some of it but we had to intervene when he was going to run into someone's house. Can't have the cops called now can we.

Delilah and Sofi slept on one bed and I slept on mines with Elena who didn't puke unlike those two morons. The following day passed by rather quickly since they were all fucking hungover and didn't wake up until like 3:00 pm. It was now Monday and Eric was walking me to class as we spoke about everything that happened at the party.

"I did that?!" Eric asked as we walked to my first period.

"You almost had sex on top of someone's car Eric." When he didn't believe me I showed him all the videos making him cringe. They were all too hungover to even function so I couldn't tease them with the videos yesterday. I had an outdated phone but I didn't care, it was one I stole a while back.

"Shit, I can't believe this." I laughed shaking my head at his reaction. We talked for a bit but here comes Mr.Sour to rain on our parade.

"I suggest your boyfriend heads off now Ms.Valentine if he doesn't want detention." and with that he walked past us into the classroom with his bitch face on. Gosh does he ever fucking smile?!

"I'll see you later Eric." I went into the stupid classroom and he headed to his class.

"Alright class work on pages 200-210 and don't forget the questions on page 211." The class was dead silent that you could hear a pin drop.

"Hey can you show me the video of Eric's streak? Sofi told me you had a video and I'm dying to see." Delilah asked as she laughed lowly.

"Oh my god wait till I show you what I got on you." I said laughing and pulling my phone out. We weren't being loud as fuck we were talking between us but of course the Mr.Stick-up-his-ass had to involve himself.

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