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'You will always end up where your heart wants you to be.' ~ Thunder.


Lylas' POV:

It's been about a week since I decided to end it with Luca and I've honestly never felt my heart ache so badly. I keep trying to convince myself that my love for him was in the past but every time I see him my heart hurts more and more. I hated how we went from fricking lovers to now strangers.

Luca doesn't look my way anymore and ignores my existence though I shouldn't be sad about that since I'm the one who broke it off. The fact that my body also begged for him was no help to my denial. His scent, his touch, his lips....I just missed everything about him, especially his body heat when we would cuddle.

It was the end of the day and I found myself in front of his office once again for god knows what reason. I shouldn't be here...I should just leave him to move on. As I turned to leave the door opened and there stood Mr.Grey in a perfectly fitted navy colored suit. He smelt and looked so fucking good. He watched me with confusion and I fought back tears that I didn't see that glint in his eyes.

"I-sorry." Turning to walk away he gently grabbed my hand stopping me in my tracks.

"What's wrong?" With his face plastered in genuine concern Luca questioned.

     My eyes started to burn as they watered, I truly hadn't realized I was on the verge of tears until he questioned me. I missed him, and I felt stupid since I was the one who fricking broke it off with him. I loved-love-I love him; I can never get over him and I'm stupid for letting him go knowing he didn't want that.

"N-nothing I'm fine." I faked a smile and tried to walk away but he grabbed my hand once again stopping me.

"Talk to me." He spoke in a low and soft voice. Luca frowned slightly and my heart ached at the sight. This brought me back to when we were at his place and I ended us. With a sigh I found myself walking a few steps into his office.

     I turned to face him and saw he had just closed the door along with now having his gaze filled with concern aimed at me. I want him. I don't care if it's selfish of me but I want him.

"I miss home." I sobbed out before wiping my tears. He looked at me with confusion plastered on his face.

"What do you mean? Do you mean your home town? I....didn't you say you hated the place?" He offered me a soft small smile and I sighed.

"Luca...I said I miss home, not I miss my home." I folded my arms across my chest and he still looked confused.

"You! Luca it's you! I-I miss you...I miss you Luca, you're my home." As soon as the words left my mouth a sigh of relief left my lips before I moved my gaze down to my feet feeling timid.

     I hoped he wouldn't turn me away but if he did I deserved it for breaking his heart. When his body got close to mines my eyes glanced up at him only to see a soft smile playing at his lips. Luca cupped my face and kissed me deeply making me immediately melt into his touch. Oh how I missed this.

"I missed you..." I cried out wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face into his neck as I tiptoed. He hugged me tightly making a smile plaster itself on my face as my nose took in his cologne.

"I missed you more baby..." I pulled back and kissed him hungrily as my hands tried to pull him in closer. It sucked how I wanted him to basically be one with the man at how close I wanted him but we couldn't get any closer.

"Luca...." I moaned into his lips us still kissing. He hummed nodding never detaching our lips as he grabbed my waist backing us up to the door and locking it.

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