The Beginning || Chapter 1

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'Hardships and struggles either kill you or shape you.' ~ Thunder.

If someone said this before drop the name; I just wrote this because I thought it went well with this chapter.


Lylas' POV:

What even is life? Specifically mines.

Meet me, Lyla Valentine; the fuck up who's life is a pure shit show. My life is such a shit show I'm currently on my way to a school for fuck ups just like me, not willingly might I add. Let me back this up, like when I was growing up back.

I grew up in a fucked up environment where my mother would inject and consume literally every drug on the market. From alcohol to meth, there was nothing she didn't either sniff, swallow, or inject. She wasn't always fucked up if we're being honest, at first it was smoking, when that wasn't enough it was drinking, when it stopped being enough it was molly—you get it.

I have an older brother, his name is Junior and he's 7 years older than me. Though we had the same parents my father decided not to claim me so when she died he left me for the system to handle. The thing is I've been a rebel for most of my life, but it was only because I wanted attention, and doing bad things seemed to do such thing.

My mother had my brother when she was fairly young—like 15 years old young, luckily the man she chose came from money so they didn't struggle as much. I came around when she was 22 and let me tell you she was not happy, and neither was daddy dearest since he claimed he wasn't my father even after positive DNA tests but; life I guess. Ever since I was born and could comprehend I knew my mother hated me. See; with me what happened was he accused her of having an affair and kicked her out along with me and denied her access to her son. I tried to be good and get good grades in school, do whatever it took to be on her good side, everything by the book.

Yet she chose to ignore me since my brother would always, has always, and WILL always be better than me according to her. So I chose a different villain era. I would constantly get in trouble, either for smoking, drinking, fighting, stabbing..whatever it was I did it. I did horribly in school though I was extremely smart. I dyed my hair a different color like every month though my natural hair was brown and wavy. It was long but I would cut it shoulder length just to fuck with my mother since she liked it long.

I truly loved her don't get me wrong, it's just that I blamed myself for her misery because at the end of the day he kicked her out because of me. The love was clearly not reciprocated. I tried to make her happy but when she would basically ignore me and only cared about her son, I said fuck it and stopped blaming myself for something I had no say nor part in; plus if we were being honest a positive DNA test should of been enough. I had horrible friends in school who would skip school and do whatever else, getting into trouble was never far and the thrill was fucking insane, ugh I loved it.

From the moment I could remember it has been a shit show really. When I was around 8 my mother started experimenting with her drugs. She died when I was 12 of an overdose and I was the one who found her. By the time she died she was unrecognizable, she was so skinny and looked dead way before she was actually dead. I still remember her dead eyes staring up at the ceiling as the needle was still in her skin and foam covered her mouth as she just laid there on her back.

Around the time she started experimenting with her drugs I called my father and pleaded with him various times to get her help but all I got was told off and to never contact him again, so I didn't. You can say I was a fuck up way before high school. I was doing stupid shit all throughout elementary and everyone questioned if I was truly such a young age.

When she died I went into foster care since no one wanted me and it was a living hell. I ran away so many times I lost count. They would only adopt me for their own benefit and the government never stepped in until I was on my deathbed barely conscious, fun times I tell you. Even my mother would try to use me to pay off her addiction but luckily I would always get away. That now brings us to the present.

I had an extensive record of getting arrested for all sorts of shit that varied from shoplifting to car theft, larceny was definitely my main field though that's not why I was sent here. You can say I lived a lavish troubled life. Not like I tried to do better. Stability was something I definitely didn't know since my own mother left me to raise myself from the moment I could do things by myself. I was now sitting in a chair handcuffed and waiting to be seen. My last crime was a little...extreme...if you will. Apparently my brother persuaded my father to get me into this place so they wouldn't charge me. Him being flighty rich meant they'll do whatever he commanded to keep their funds.

"Ms.Valentine?" I heard a voice speak.

"No your mother." I got up rolling my eyes as I walked into the spacious office. I was wearing ripped black jeans with a black cotton shirt that says 'I fucked your mother' on the back and a pair of beat up air forces. My now pink hair was tied up into a messy bun.

"Alright so this will be your schedule for your classes, this is your dorm key, your uniform will be in your room and this is a brochure with the campus map and everything you'll need to know about the school; like when the library closes and cafeteria hours along with our programs. I advice you graduate, that way you don't have to go to actual jail." He spoke as he un cuffed me and handed me everything.

"This is jail." And with that I rolled my eyes and walked out.

I honestly didn't have much. I was moved often so everything I needed was in a black backpack I stole a while back. I looked at the map and looked for the female dorms. It was around 4:30 pm and everyone was staring as I tried to find my way.

"Nice hair freak!" A guy shouted making me smirk.

"That's what your mother called me when I had her on all fours!" I shouted back making all his surrounding friends laugh at him. Wrong girl idiot.

"Do you know who you're talking to?!" He walked up to me and stood in front of me arms crossed over his chest and trying to look tall and strong. I rolled my eyes dropping my bag and everything I had in my hand next to my feet calmly.

"Clearly a self centered prick who lives off daddy's money." A bunch of people were now gathered around and I guess no one's ever spoken up to him before. You've met your match bastard.

"That's it." He swung but I grabbed his fist unamused. I tilted my head slightly and smiled sweetly before delivering a right hook knocking him out. His friends watched as he fell to the ground out cold and I picked my shit up from the floor.

"I don't do warnings." was all I said as I grabbed my things and went to my room.

     This schools going to be interesting to say the least.


First chapter down, do you guys want more? She's so badass I love her already!



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